Chapter 3 Confession

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E'njoli pov

2 weeks later

So right now me and my mom is at aunty Trina's house talking to her about what the twins did to me. At first I didn't want to say anything but they kept asking me stuff until I broke and started crying.

M/AT: what's wrong baby?

Aunty Trina: What did those girls of mine do to you honey tell aunty 

Mom: please Lili tell us

it took me 10 minutes to calm down 

Me: (wiping me tears)one was sitting on my face and I couldn't breath, the other on was licking my (points between my legs while looking down)

Aunty Trina: aww baby why you didn't tell me? (hugs me) you know I would of handle them niece 

Me: I was scared (hugs her back) 

I broke the hug and my mom hugs me 

Me: I'm sorry that I didn't tell neither one of you (about to cry again)

Mom: it's ok I get it babe

after all of that, a hour goes by with hearing them talk about how I can no longer spend the night anymore. Then, my mom decided it was time to leave, so we did because she had to get ready for work and I had homework to do so yeah. We made it home and I though she was going to tell my dad but she didn't because he never said anything about to me. Which I am happy about because he would of told everybody and whenever they saw me they was going to ask about it because they nosey like that and that would of been very embarrassing for me.

10 months later (feb 9, 2012)

 So a couple days ago my big sister had came home, I was happy to see her because I missed her so much. I though she was staying home for good this time but I though wrong, instead of her staying like I wanted her to she was leaving for good this time. I was a little broken💔. I loved when she's around. She did my hair and she was teaching me how to cook. Whenever she baked or just cooked anything I was her helper. Now I'm  really the only girl in the house and the rest is boys. I really didn't have friends like that so I would try to play with my brothers and their friends. It didn't go well for me so I would stay in the house until my dad would tell me to get out and go play. I would sit on the porch and pretend I was cutting up things to cook. My dad though I was weird for doing that every time he told me to get out the house to go play, so I went stopped for a little while to go see if my Aunty Bebe needed any help with the younger kids she would watch because she ran a daycare at her house. She let me help for a while as I was helping out my dad went to California for a couple of days. I missed him a lot and its sad to say but he was my favorite parent at the time cause my mom was not really around all the time she worked so yeah. 

Beyonce as Aunty Bebe

Beyonce as Aunty Bebe

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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