•Chapter 2• "Im dating Byakuya.."

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Toko's POV:

I woke up, shivering, I checked the time, it wasn't even time to wake up, it was only 3 AM.
Then I looked over at, omaru was it? She was sleeping on the other side of the bed, hogging all the blanket. I tried to get a little bit back, but nothing worked,

"I- I guess I'll just get u-."
Omaru turned over and wrapped her whole body around me, causing my face to heat up,

"O-Omaru..! Get up! I'm not into this stuff."

Nobody's POV:

And before you
Knew it, Toko was sleeping, just like Komaru was, and she actually wasn't cold anymore!

Timeskip to the morning, and Komaru's POV because yesssss :)

I woke up, realizing I was on top of Toko. I quickly got up and started to undress, getting some of my clean clothes out of my suitcase.

"I can't wait to see Makoto after all these years!" I said a little to loud,


"AHAHAHHAAHA, WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" 'Toko' said as she got up to walk near me.

"Oh, hi Toko! You're finally awake!" I said smiling at her, as i continued to get dressed.

"Toko? AAHAHAHHSHA I'm not Toko." She held scissors up to my neck, I panicked a little

"T-then who are you?"

"The names genocider syo, I share a body with Toko fuka -."

"Woah! That's so cool! I knew you were interesting the moment I meant you!"

Genocider's face turned a light shade of pink,

then she sneezed, again, turning back to Toko.

"O-Omaru, put some clothes on..!" She covered her eyes.

"Oh yeah, sorry Toko!" I finished getting dressed, and Toko opened her eyes.

"Soooo, tell me about genocider." I smiled looking at Toko.

Toko spoke, "S-shes my split personality, I hate her.." Toko paused, and bit her finger, "S-she's annoying, she always wants to do things her way, it gets t-tiring,"

"S-she didn't say anything to you, right?"

"Nope! Well, she did hold scissors up to my neck, but it's okay I guess." I answered Toko.

Someone knocked on the door.

"I-ill get it, in case it's master Byakuya..~"

Toko opened the door to be greeted by Makoto and a blonde dude.

Tokos pov:

"M-master why are you with him." I snorted at him, a bit pissed that he'd choose MAKOTO over ME.

Byakuya was about to answer, but got rudely interrupted by Makoto.

"We're here to show Komaru around the school! Our classes are having a delay due to the amount of new students that they've let in this week!" Makoto grinned.

Komaru ran to Makoto and hugged him,  his face got shoved into her boobs.

"A h-hug.. from a high school girl, especially one with boobs like her.. how lucky.." I mumbled quietly,

Komaru overheard, and she let go of Makoto,
"T-Toko..! It's not like that! Plus Makoto has a boyfriend!"

a boyfriend, huh?

"Oh yeah, Toko I forgot to say.. me and Byakuya are dating..."

"W-WHAT?" I screamed

"I wasn't ever interested in trash like you anyways, Fukawa." Byakuya snarled at me in disgust.

I slammed the door, holding in my tears.

Komarus POV:

A/N: Sorry that I keep switching the POV's, I just think it's important to see how other people are thinking and hear their side of the story. If you guys want me to stop, just comment that you do 😅..

Okay, I know Makoto said Byakuya wasn't the nicest, but calling someone trash just because he's rich? That's a little overboard..

"Toki..! Are you okay..?" I hugged Toko,

"G-get off me, I don't need your help..!" Toko hissed at me, but she didn't push me away, almost as if she enjoyed the hug.

I let go of her anyways, apologizing.

"B-besides, I was a fool to believe Master would like an ugly girl like me a-anyways."

"Toko.. you aren't ugly! Infact, you're really pretty! Okay, maybe you smell a bit.. but that's okay!" I said without thinking,

"W-what the hell komaru? I didn't say I smelled..!"

"Okay, I guess I do... but maybe I like smelling bad..!"

"Toko, how about we take the day off? We can have fun, and you can forget about Byakuya. Sound good?"

Toko looked over at me and sighed,


"Perfect! It'll be like a date! But first, you need to bathe, Toki!"


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