How he reassures you he loves you

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Cameron: He leave little notes all over your room, on your bathroom mirror, on top of your computer, all the places that you would look the most. They say things like 'you're the one for me' or 'you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen' and every time you find one, a large smile stretches across your face.

Nash: He is always kissing you. Not lustfully or heatedly, but lovingly. He kisses your forehead, shoulders, collarbones, hands, head, neck, everywhere. The feeling of his plush lips on your skin always reminds you that he loves you, because it's such and intimate and sweet gesture.

Carter: He surprises your with flowers, all the time. You come home from school, and your favorite flower, a pink lily, is sitting right on your bed. Or your on your period and every day a bouquet of roses will show up at your house with a cute little note saying how much he loves you.

Shawn: He is always sending you videos of little songs and jingles that he writes about how much he loves you. Sometimes he dedicates vines to you, or sometimes he shows up at your house with full on love songs he's written.

Matt: he texts you cute little texts, night and day, rain or shine, about how much he misses you and loves you. They always make you smile when you get them, even when your phone goes off in school and you get in trouble.

Aaron: he just tells you. He is constantly telling you that he loves you, no matter where you are or who is around you. Your parents think it's a bit cheesy, how he is always saying he loves you, but the way his eyes sparkle when he says it makes you feel so loved.

Taylor: He is always posting about it! He posts pictures of you too kissing on instagram, he proclaims his love for you on twitter, and every single one of his Facebook profile pictures has you in it. He almost brags about his love for you, and while it's a bit over the top, you secretly love it.

Jack Gilinsky: he is always touching you. His arm is around your waist or over your shoulder or his hand is intertwined with yours. He's very protective of you, always telling other guys to back off, and that safe and secure feeling makes you feel so loved.

Jack Johnson: He is always surprising you with gifts. You always tell him that you don't need him to buy you anything, but he still does. Whether it's your favorite candy, a beautiful bracelet, or fancy dinners, he is extravagant with showing his love for you.

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