{chapter 1}

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At my school there are 4 types of people: the popular skanky girls, the pi reciting nerds, the kids who were good at everything that are popular but weird and my group, the soccer players.

I'm the girl captain for the 10th graders and my boyfriend Tim is the boy captain. Most of the boys in the team are players and the girls were rough, by girls I mean me and my friends Tayla and Ashley.

I got to the table we always sit at during lunch and see skankiest bish, Brittany siting in my spot next to Tyler and Tim. I walk up to Tim and he squishes up so I can at least sit on the end. I pick up my salad and start to eat when I hear my name being called on the speaker "can Lauren Neil and Timothy Martin please report to the principals office now!"
Tim and I exchange weird looks and get up to go when Tyler yells out "probably got caught doing it in the janitors closet again!" right now I couldn't care less about what he said I was too worried about what was going to happen but I know ill get him back later! We get to the principals office and in there is our parents and soccer coach.
"Afternoon miss Neil and mr Martin, your not in trouble please jet sit Down" the principal was always so professional sounding. "Coach smith do your thing"
"My thing? oh right my thing" coach smith was a young guy who everyone hated as their sport teacher or coach because he was bossy and they thought he was a show off but I couldn't care less he was kind of like my friend..? oh and of course Brittany thinks 'he's SOO hot'. "we had some people come in during your game against St Bridget's and they chose you two, Tayla Shannon and Tyler Cusworth to go to London and stay with ordinary families that have strong passions for soccer and go to a sporting academy for 6 months."
" 6 months!? that's a longtime coach!"
I don't think I would be able to be away from my family for 6 weeks let alone 6 MONTHS!!
"Yes Lauren it's a long time but your families have agreed to let you go so you can improve your soccer and pursue a soccer career. so you guys in?"
I look at Tim and he gives me a slight nod and I turn back and say "yes please" I still don't know if ill last that long away from home.

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