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One week had passed since the (L/n) family moved to Hyogo. Each member of the household was finding their own way to accept the new situation that they were in. The parents, Hikaru and Chieko, had become well acclimated to their new job positions. The smaller prefecture presented them with a much easier work load and calmer environment that made them more prepared for the slow life that awaited them.

Hiro, the youngest of the (L/n) siblings, was having the time of his life in Hyogo. He had made new friends and earned a spot on his school's baseball team. He managed to impress the  coaches with his strong, left-handed swing which shook the confidence of his opponents who almost always saw a right-handed batter at the plate. The uneasy looks on their faces made the boy's chest swell with pride. He couldn't help but thank every god there was that his parents made them move away from Tokyo. Sure, he missed his old friends and classmates, but the new relationships that he was making in Hyogo made it all worth it.

The only member of the (L/n) family that was left in distress from the move was (Y/n). Sure, Hyogo was... nice. The architecture was beautiful and so unique from what she had seen in the past, but the prefecture didn't have her friends in it. 

Though at her new school she had made a friend— if she could even call Misako that— plus whatever type of relationship her and Kita had, the two of them didn't compared to Bo, Kuroo, and all her other friends who still lived in Tokyo. 

The girl didn't dare make her complaints public though. It wasn't worth it. Her entire family seemed to be enjoying their new home, and she didn't want to seem like a downer so she remained silent. She decided to suck it up and continue her stressful school days with a smile on her face.

"Hey, are we still on for our tutoring session today?" (Y/n) randomly asked, leaning in closer to the boy at the desk beside her. She was whispering in hopes that the teacher didn't notice her talking during the lesson.

"You should pay attention during lessons, I can't be the only one who's teaching you... " He lectured. "But yes, yes we are still on— wait. Today is Wednesday," the boy suddenly paused.

"Yes, today is Wednesday... What does that have to do with anything?" She replied, confusion dusted in her tone.

"We have a practice match today. Do you mind if I move our session to after practice?" Kita reluctantly questioned. He hated that he had been so careless with his scheduling. This had never happened to him before. He had always been so meticulous with his daily activities that almost everything lined up. Well, they did until she came until his life. Not that he was really complaining, though the very back of his mind was scolding him for allowing a girl that he had just met to change something that he had been doing every day for months.

"Yeah, I'm fine with doing it after your practice. It means I can finally go home a normal time," she joked.

The boy didn't laugh in return, though he was smiling on the inside.

"The school library will probably be closed by the time the match is over. We can study at the park near Yoka Junior High, if that's fine with you," he suggested.

"That's cool with me. It isn't too far from my house anyway. I pass by that park every morning when I drop my brother off at school. He goes to Yoka," (Y/n) said with a smile, not caring that she was slightly oversharing.

"Okay," Kita responded back. He wanted to tell her that he passed by that park in the mornings too with his little brother, but he ran out of time. As the teacher began to speak, Shinsuke wondered if his little brother was the same age as (Y/n)'s since the two boys went to the same school. However, the boy settled for the idea of asking her about it later if the topic ever came back up again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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