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You wake up in a dark room, the feel of cold wood and a rounded object underneath you. You wonder for a moment how you got here, then remember that it is best to not ask questions around here. As your eyes adjust to the surroundings, it looks like there are a few couches, a coffee table, and even what appears to be an old-style TV. You believe they called it a "3D flat screen curve", according to the history books you used to read. You wonder what type of image would have been shown on a screen like that, but you know that there hasn't been electricity here for thousands of years. Not since those walls were built, and 'They' took everything.
You pick up the object that was underneath you and open it. A melody starts to play, and you suddenly remember. They were hunting you and your best friend, and you had come in here to hide days ago. Your friend left you this locket as a good luck charm before they went scouting the area, but they had not returned. Moving over to the empty window frame, you gaze up to the stars, millions of miles away. You know you are seeing a site that those inside the walls would never see. Inside those walls, it is always bright, and there is never a night time. You know that outside those walls, while it is dangerous and filled with all sorts of wild beats, you have unlimited freedom, and can do whatever you wish.

Counting the days you've been in this house, you start thinking of what it would have been like to have lived in this house. Was there a family here? Did they have fun? Were they living with the same rules as those in the walls are? You were abruptly brought from your daydreams as you heard shouting, and out the window you see a faint glow in the distance. You can see an orange-yellow light, rising towards the sky, and you instantly know your biggest fear has come true. They were coming. Scrambling to the house's kitchen, you grab your backpack and stuff it with the basics; A few bottles of water, dry biscuits, and a torch you miraculously found with batteries. You pull the locket over your head, and hastily run back to the window, jumping out into the bushes below.
Making your way in the opposite direction of the glow, you pray that you jumped to a conclusion, and that it's simply a routine land burn. From time to time, They would come out of those walls, into the Nullands and burn sections at a time, to try and eliminate any Wilders. You knew that when they came out, you had to run. If you did not run, they would find you. However, there has been a long-time fear, that one day they will come out, and they will burn everything, and everyone. A feeling starts to well in the pit of your stomach, a feeling of pure dread. You run as fast you can in the darkness, but there's something you just can't stop thinking of. Why.. Why did those flames seem brighter than usual?
You start to slow your running, and stop for a moment and turn back to look at where the flames should have been. You gasp, and that feeling of dread takes over your entire body. Those flames should have been in the distance, just slightly visible above the roofs of the houses, but instead, it was closer than before, and still rising up to the sky. Your knees weaken, and you collapse. You know it's over. Nobody can escape Them, or the fire. As you sit there in shock, you hear a familiar voice. "Huh? What are YOU doing here?"
You look up to see the face of your best friend, and you feel a wave of relief. You reach your hand out to them, but they just look away. "Look, I know we used to be friends, but.. When I left that day, I was captured by Them. I was taken into the Holy City, and you know.. It's not that bad. They gave me a job working out here, and they let me live in the city. Clean water, fresh food, and jeeze you should see the stuff in there! Forget the flying cars and 3D projections, it's just teleport here and zap there, and the projects look and sound like real people! It's a whole other world in there!"
As they talk, their face lights up with awe, and you know that they are no longer your best friend. They've been taken in and brainwashed, just like every one else who is in those walls. Once someone is taken, there's no getting them back. New tears well up in your eyes as old memories of your and your friend swim through your head; Adventures that you two have had during the 16 years of your existence, and now you won't be able to enjoy them ever again. You stand, ready to continue on and never look back, but you hear voices. A language you don't understand, but you know all too well. It's Them. A group of 10 or so soldiers come your way, dragging along a bunch of people tied together. They shout at your friend, and point between you and the group of prisoners. You friend signals them back, and turns to face you again. "Sorry bud, it's for the best." They elbow you in the head, knocking you unconscious.
When you wake up next, you're lying on a stone floor, and you can hear other people around you. You groan, slowly standing up. However, you stand up all too soon, as a soldier near you kicks you in the stomach and motions a down action. "You. Stay on ground." You go to question the soldier where you are, but before you get a change, a pale looking man walks through a door you hadn't noticed. He smiles eerily, and then speaks in a condescending tone; "Nullians, it is a pleasure to have you here. You see, I have a very special offer for you, and believe me when I say it's in your best interests to take up this offer. I am aware that all of you have been able to survive out there for a long time, and I don't know how, but I need your assistance. Us here in the Holy Lands agree that it's getting a little cramped, so we need to expand. However, to do that we need to clear out all the useless things taking up the land outside, except our soldiers.. are not quite experienced with the land out there. So, I propose to you, help us clear the land out there, and we will reward you with things you could never imagine. All those who wish to join, stand. All those that don't.. You may remain sitting for now."
You stare at the man in confusion. Destroy our own homes? What is he thinking? No one would ever do something like that, you are sure of it. You look around with confidence, however that soon fades as you see all the others around you slowly rise, a look of desperation showing on all of their faces. The man scoffs, "Very well then. We humbly welcome you all to your magnificent city, Nullians! As for the young'un who seems to still be sitting, please follow me." You suddenly feel sick, and can't muster the strength to stand. It seems that it wouldn't matter though, as a solider behind you lifts one of your arms over their shoulder and helps you to stand up. You look at them, and realise that it was your friend, and you feel a little more at ease.
They support you as you walk behind the pale man, wondering where he could be leading you. The stone under your feet feels cold, and every now and then there are pools of water. The man finally stops, and motions towards a door. "After you, young'un." You don't react, but your friend half-drags you out the door anyway. You feel a slight breeze, and you soon notice that you are heading towards a large balcony that hangs over the outside lands. You feel water land on your face, and you notice that the fire has since gone out, most likely due to the rain. The man nods his head, and your friend leads you to the edge of the balcony, where a gap in the stone edge has formed. You hear the man chuckle. "Join us, or jump. Be lucky I'm even giving you a choice."
You look at the man stunned, and don't know how to react. Your friend releases you, and looks you directly in the eye. "Do the right thing. Join us. You can live with me, and we can go on even more adventures! You'd love it in here." Your friend leans forward and grabs the locket that was around your neck, dangling it in front of your eyes. "Just say it, one word and you'll be able to do so much more with your life." A chuckle passes through your lips as you stare into your friends eyes, shaking your head. You know there's nothing more for you. How could you live with yourself if you betrayed everything you ever loved and believed in? You knew your friend was gone, and there was nothing else for you. Your friend looks at you in disgust as they clutch the locket, flicking the latch and staring at the gears inside as they play a familiar song.
"Fine then. You've made your choice. I always hoped I'd get to have another adventure with you, but I guess not. Seeya.. Bud." Your friend smiles as they push you off the edge, not a single flick of regret in their face as they watch you fall. You feel the cold rain on your face as you fall, the melody you have heard countless times before playing in your ears, and you close your eyes, memories of your best friend flashing through your mind. "See you, too..", you whisper, as you feel your body impact with the ground, and your consciousness fade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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