Harry's POV:
As we rehearsed "Kiss You" I couldn't help but sneak peeks at Louis. He looked so gorgeous I just wanted to hold him.
We have been sneaking around during rehearsals and in our free time at our flat. I was tired of hiding my love.
I quickly looked forward again through the glass to the recording area, realizing that I had stared a Louis for a bit too long, making sure no one noticed me. No one had.
We were finally done and Louis and I were last ones out, although following close behind the rest of the boys. I reached for Louis' hand as we walked and he quickly moved his hand away.
"What's wrong Lou?" I said, with a bit of worry in my voice. "Nothing..." was all he ever said. I stopped walking and crossed my arms. "Lou Bear, what is wrong?"
He knew I was being serious now.
He checked around the corner, making sure no one was around before kissing me with a sad look on his face. My forehead was connected to his as we talked. "I'm tired of hiding. I don't care if this ruins our career, I want you," Louis finally said. "I know . . ." was all I could say.
It was killing me inside that management doesn't want us together because they believe it will ruin our career, and that they hired Eleanor to cover. She was a lovely girl, but not for Louis.
"I know," I said again. We both had tears in our eyes as we stood with our foreheads together, just enjoying the moment. I hugged him, "I love you Louis," I said.
We started walking, finally catching up to the boys. They were laughing and chatting in the car as they waited for us. "Where have you been? We've been waiting for 10 minutes!" Liam was always over dramatic. It had only been about 5 minutes if that.
"Sorry, I had to use the restroom," I said. I was getting better at quick responses with all of this lying about me and Louis. Liam excepted my response and we climbed in the car. "Can we get some food? I'm hungry!" Niall said from the other end of the car.
"I'm not your mum! You can do whatever you bloody want," Liam shouted.
We were always asking Liam for permission to do things as he was basically our mum. Louis was staring out the window, obviously worrying about something. Us.
"Driver can you take us to Louis' flat?" I shouted. "Sure thing," he replied.
We did a quick U-Turn and headed toward Louis flat. I was completely silent. I could feel the boys stares at my back but I didn't mind at all. I was focused on Louis.
We finally got to Louis's flat and I climbed put after Lou.
"I'll call you later," I said as a slammed the door. The knew not to question what I did. Just leave me be. I opened the door and we walked in. Louis isn't say a word. "How about a bath?" I offered as I walked upstairs and turned on the water and stripped down. I climbed in the water and Louis followed close behind.