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I get up quickly and change into my clothes, I quickly meet up with Muzan.
"Go into your human form"
My eyes looked normal even with the two colours, all my marking went away.
We went to the home. "Honey I'm home!" Muzan shouts. Seeing the child and the women came over, a strange feeling came to me, not nervousness, jealousy. He has a lover and a child, I've not even got close to my first lover.
"Hello darling, this is Erin she'll be babysitting today"
"Oh hello, it's nice to meet you, we must dash so , by honey and be good"
Muzan and his Fake wife left, with a young girl starring at me. "Hello Mui"
"Um... H-Hello"
"DONT be scared Mui, I'm not dangerous"
She shocks me when she hugged me.
(Time skip)
Me and Mui had become close friends within a hour, I played with her, she told me stories, I told her of others. "Well it's 6 time for bed"
She quickly changed into pyjamas and I tuck her in bed.
"Can you sing"
"Okay let me think, Derniere Danse?"

As I sang the song stroking her hair, she soon fell asleep. After I look to see Muzan.
I stand and walk out.
"Thank you for looking after Mui"
"Your welcome master"
I walk to the door saying by to the wife. I turned back into my demon form when outside, I climb onto the roof and start racing over the roofs.
I finally arrived home, I went straight to mom.
"Afternoon mom"
"Oh there's my girl,how was it?"
"The child is very nice, and did as told so win win"
I went of to find an unhappy Rose. "you okay Rose?"

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