Waiting For The End To Come

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"Dude! No fair!" Dana gave her best puppy eyes. "Please? For me?"

"Nooo!" Chester sighed. He was slowly, yet surely becoming Dana's friend. Over the past few days, the two had spent their lunches together in the music room, thankfully, without interruptions.

"Please, Ches? I'm not gonna make fun of you."

"How do I know that?" Chester asked, his voice cracking in sadness at the thought of losing his new friend.

"Because, Chester, I hate bullies. Plus I bet you're super good. Just trust me, okay?"

Chester shook his head. "Fine, how about we try this?" Dana picked up the guitar and began strumming Plush, by Stone Temple Pilots.

With such severity that startled the both of them, Chester began belching out the lyrics. His voice... was good.

He had a raspiness in his voice that sounded almost like multiple people were singing, or like he added some distortion filter. But he wasn't. He also sang every note perfectly, it was clear that he was a talented singer.

He abruptly stopped as he noticed Dana's expression. His singing was jaw droppingly good, literally.

"What, something wrong?" Chester asked, scratching the back of his neck and nervousness evident in his voice.

"Damn, Bennington, you're good!" Dana slid off of the desk she sat atop of and clapped.

"You mean that?" He asked, nervousness replaced with excitement.

"Uh, yeah. Why aren't you in a band yet?"

"I-" before he could reply, the music room doors opened, revealing the same people who were bullying Chester the other day.

"Damn, didn't know you could sing, Bennington.

"Shit." He cursed under his breath as three boys walked into the room.

"Care to show us some more?" The same boy boomed.

"Please no." Chester was practically begging them, knowing that his attempts made the bullying worse. He was pale, clearly embarrassed that they heard his singing.

"Yea, sing for us Chester!" One of the three mimicked a high pitched voice.

"Shut up!" Another boy laughed at him, and the two were almost distracted by their own stupidity.

"You!" The boy who was taunting Chester stepped away from him and closer to Dana. "I remember what you did the other day." He seethed.

"What, standing up against you?" Dana shot back.

"Of all the people to defend, why him? Why defend the weakest person who's probably gonna amount to nothing and end up dead in an alley or something." He spat, shooting Chester a menacing glare. He shook his head in shame.

"He is gonna amount to something. I know it. You're the one who won't." Dana stepped closer to him, nervousness evident in her voice. Dana was small, it would be easy for someone like her to be bullied. In fact, she was. That's why she hated bullies so much.

"What did you just say?" But before he could finish speaking, a teacher stomped inside.

"You three. Office. Now." She snapped her fingers to catch their attention. The three boys trudged out of the room, the last one shooting both of us a death glare.

As soon as she caught sight of Chester, her upset expression morphed into a sad one. "Are you two okay?" She asked, closing the door to the music room.

"I'm fine, Chaz, are you?" Dana replied, also looking at Chester for a response. He simply nodded.

"I haven't seen you before, are you new?" The teacher turned her attention toward Dana.

"Sure." Dana shrugged.

"Oh! Well I'm Mrs Smith, you are?"

"Dana Marsh."

"Okay, well if you two are okay I'm going to get back to my lunch, and Chester, remember, you can always talk to me if something is wrong." She sent them a smile before walking back into the hallway, which was packed with students.

"So, again, why aren't you in a band?" Dana asked, walking alongside Chester. The school day just finished.

"You really think I could join a band?" He asked, kicking a random pebble off of the sidewalk.

"Absolutely. Have you heard your voice? You could make it big someday.

"Haha, I doubt that." Chester almost laughed at the strange idea.

"I'm serious! Think about it, Chester Bennington the best singer in the world."

"Oh stop lying to yourself."

"I can imagine all of the groupies now, "OMG CHESTER YOU'RE SO TALENTED! OMG CHESTER YOU'RE SO HOT MARRY ME!!!" Dana joked.

Chester found himself laughing at that. He wouldn't admit that being a singer was his dream. "Groupies? Nah, not for me."

"Oh come on, everyone has groupies."

"Fair point. This is my place, see ya later." Chester sighed as he waved to Dana and trudged up the steps.

Chester lived with his dad, who was generally a nice man. He was just never home, since being a policeman in a city took up most of his hours, leaving Chester alone with his thoughts.

Dana kept walking, back around that neighborhood that she and her friend Nick lived in, and found herself standing in the driveway that he would soon occupy. The garage door was open, and Dana could easily see inside. There was that red car, and something shiny caught her eye. It was the same weird contraption thing that Nick made. Could this bring me back home?

Right when she was about to walk into the garage, a man smoking a cigarette walked around the corner. "Uh, you lookin for somethin kid?" He asked, skeptical.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm trying to find a friends house and your garage was open so I was wondering if you'd help me.

"What's the address?" He groaned, taking one last puff of his cigarette before dropping it on the ground and putting it out with his boot.

Dana gave the address to an old friend's house which was just down the street. She knew the way, just needed a cover up if she was gonna even think about getting home.

"Should be down the street." He grunted and walked back inside the garage.

Guess I'll have to try again later. Dana scoffed and walked away, deciding ice cream would be perfect right about now.

Hey! I know it's literally been forever since I updated this. If you're reading this rn it means you read my story, so thanks! I hope u enjoy ur day and I hope all is well with everyone. Again, thanks for reading!

Musically Talented: A Chester Bennington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now