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"Open them." I instructed.

She then pulled them closer to her and complained about the fact that they were heavy. She open 1 of them and then the cash popped out.

"Oh my fucking God!!! Girl what did you do? Rob a bank or something?" Sherina blurted out in shocked.

"No Sher. I did not rob a bank. It's that money from last night that the security guard poured on me. It was from our boss, Gideon." I told her.

"Oh yeah I remember. He let you keep it?" She question as I bite my lip.

"Yeah he did. More like forced me to take it or he would burn it." I stated. "Burn it??? Was he aware that there is probably millions in these bags? Is he crazy or what? What really happen between you two?" Sherina asked.

I looked at her and remained silent for a bit. Sherina is my friend and we are close but I don't think it was a good idea to say anything about the kiss.

"Nothing happen. He said he like the performance that I did and I worked hard for it so I should keep the money."

"Well he is right about that. You performed extremely well and you earned every bit of that money. It's a lot of money. You can use it to make life way more comfortable for you and Ree. Get a small house then find a school to attend and continue your passion for dancing. You might even be able to get a better job." Sherina told me.

"Those are all good ideas but I'm afraid I can't do any of that. I don't know what his true intentions are. What if he wants his money back after I spend it?" I asked her.

"Kyla it's no longer his money. He gave it to you to use it as you please." Sherina replied.

"No. I won't use it but I will keep it just in case he wants it back from me. I know you might think this is a stupid thing that I am deciding to do but it is the right choice. Not just for me but also for Ree." I said thinking about the consequences.

"Fine. Maybe you are right. But that is a lot of money for you to keep around. Are you sure you don't want us to run away with it?"

"No. We won't run away with it." I told her.

"Ok then fine. Put it in your account then or better yet you can put it in Ree's college funds and let it stay there. At least interest will be going on it."

"Great idea. I will do just that first thing tomorrow morning before coming to work. Thank you for coming over and giving me some advice. I really appreciate it."

"No problem Kyla. Now enough of that. I'm hungry. Let's order some pizza until Ree is back from church."

We ordered the pizza and in around 20 minutes time it was here. I paid the delivery guy then bring it inside and shared it with her. I left a few slices for Ree as well because knowing my little sister she will be upset if I ordered pizza and she did not get any.

"Ok now I have a good question for you. Did you suck his dick this time?" Sherina asked out of nowhere.

"No!!! But don't worry, you will be the first to know if I do give him a blow job." I told my crazy ass friend.

We both laughed at the idea. We watched a movie by the name of vampire academy and by the time it was finish it was getting late.

Sherina was ready to leave and Miss Gloria is just in time with Ree. She told me that Ree was already fed and already took a shower. She just needed to get some more rest. After a next 5 minutes both Miss Gloria and Sherina was leaving. They said good bye and closed the door. I took Ree to her room and kissed her good night. She was really tired. It seemed she had a wonderful time today and a lot of fun. I switched the room light off and went to my room to get dress in my pajama pants and a white t-shirt. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth turn off my lights and went to my bed.

I wish I could go straight to sleep but I couldn't. There was a lot on my mind. Mostly about Gideon. I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost 10:00 pm. I turned on my side and closed my eyes to get some rest.

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