Things Are Scary

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    Things seem scary in the world right now. I mean, things always have been to be honest. I don't know what you're going through, perhaps I'll never know and maybe I don't need to. It's your life, I don't need to know everything about it and I feel like I instead need to focus on supporting you. Whether that'll be this stupid book or just listening.

     Now don't get me wrong, this book's meaning isn't stupid. Creating a book for people to talk or for them to be supported in whatever way possible is amazing but I doubt I'll do it justice. But the only thing that matters is that I'm trying for all you out there that stumble onto this. Perhaps you're having a hard time or just struggling with something, I will never know how much it will pain you but I understand pain enough to offer advice because I care about you.

You may be thinking that why would I care about a stranger? Well I think that everyone in the world deserves to be happy and to live a life they can be proud of. It's a privilege we should all have ever since we're born that unfortunately gets taken away. I know you and I deserve happiness and I hope we both find it.

Anyway I feel like I'm not getting to the point of this chapter. As I said; things are scary. They always have been and always will be. But you don't have to be afraid. Take my hand, figuratively take my hand and listen to my words. Things from loneliness to darkness, pain, death, people, and so so much more. All are scary in their own ways but you don't have to let this fear hinder you.

I'm scared of so many things, I don't live my life the way I want to because of those things yet at times where I have people to support me then I basically do those things I couldn't without thought. You need to find those people or things that let you live freely the way you should. Fear isn't gonna disappear but you don't have to let it control you. Use me, use people you see everyday that you trust to get past your fear. You don't have to conquer it at once, you could do it little by little. It shows that you're beating it at your own pace.

You may feel frustrated that it's not going faster. You may put yourself down because you think you're not good enough but you're wrong. You are and you're strong because you took the step to stand up to fear. To reach out and rely on people or things means you're strong. It's scary to reach out so taking that step means you're already getting there.

But perhaps you didn't reach out. Perhaps you're trying to beat this fear on your own. I'm not telling you that this is bad but it'll make your progress slower. It's ok though. You're strong. You're loved and you can do this because I and so many other people are cheering for you.

Sorry these chapter are so short but maybe they don't need to be long. As long as I get my point across successfully then my job is done. So I'm taking my leave until next time. So, when that next time rolls around, I hope to see that smile (figuratively as I can't actually see you) or hear about your progress no matter how small.

Sorry for any mistakes but I hope you don't mind them. This book doesn't need to be perfect but if it bothers you then I don't mind fixing it.


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