pain -☁️

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//TW// this includes mentions of self harm, depression, etc.
If you are uncomfortable or triggered by any of these subjects please stop reading

You stood in the small bathroom that was linked to yours and Kurapika's bedroom. He was still at work, and would be for at least another hour or two. You stood with your hands on the edge of the sink counter. You looked in the mirror and made eye contact with yourself. You violently shook as you watched the hot tears stream down your face. God I hate this. You glanced over to the blade that sat on the counter. That might be the only way at this point. The only way to make you feel better.

After rinsing your arms and mentally scolding yourself, you slumped down onto the floor, putting your head between your knees. Tears streamed down your face and landed on the floor. Suddenly, the door to the apartment slowly started to open. You panicked not knowing what to do. "Y/N I'm home. Y/N?" You gasped. Kurapika? Why is he home so early? This isn't good... You noticed that the bathroom door was still open a crack. As you scrambled to your feet and rushed to close it Kurapika stepped into the bedroom. "Uh Y/N?" He said as he made eye contact with you seconds before you shut the door and locked it. "Sorry Kurapika I was just uhh,,, going to take a shower." You exclaimed quickly, trying to make your excuse sound honest. But it was too late. When Kurapika made eye contact with you he immediately knew something wasn't right. He noticed the dried tears on your face and the terrified look you gave him. He made his way to the door and leaned against it, trying the door knob to no avail. "Y/N... whats wrong? What's happening in there?" He said, extremely worried. You muffled your sobs with your hand to your mouth. "Y/N please, talk to me. You can tell me anything. What's going on?" You couldn't take it anymore. You unlocked the door and slumped back onto the floor, still violently shaking. Kurapika noticed the click of the door being unlocked and burst open the door. His eyes widened with shock as he looked at you. He looked at your arms, at the blade sitting on the counter, at your pale face which you quickly buried in your arms. "Y-Y/N.... why? Why would you do this to yourself?" You whimpered a bit as he spoke and felt ashamed of yourself. You didn't once look up and meet his eyes. You focused mainly on the cold, tiled floor of the bathroom. "I'm not mad," said Kurapika. "Just scared." Tears still dropped from your chin, leaving a puddle on the ground under you. Kurapika slowly walked over, making sure not to make any quick or sudden movements. "Let me see them. Please." He said quietly. You turned over your arms and rested them in his hands. He stared for a while, shocked by the sight of his love being hurt, by themself especially. Kurapika gently set your arms down and cupped your face with his hands. He wiped the tears from your cheek with his thumb. You buried your face in his hands and he pulled you close to him. He wrapped his arms around you as you laid your head in his warm chest. He rubbed your back with one hand and stroked your hair with the other. "We don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to, but I need to know why at some point. It doesn't have to be today, it doesn't have to be tomorrow, but you need to talk to me about it someday. Whenever you're comfortable with it. But I can't help you until you tell me why." He said. You nodded in reply. He backed out of the embrace and stared into your eyes. He tucked a piece of your hair back with his fingers and gently kissed you on the forehead. "I love you y/n. You know that right."
"I love you too Kurapika."
"Here." Kurapika said as he gently picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his torso. He carried you to the bed and gently sat you down. You laid there as he laid next to you and held you tightly. Your head rested in his chest while you let his scent flood your senses. He brushed your hair with his fingers as you dosed off.

// A/N- hi! sorry this is so sad jshdkdjd
Lemme know if there's anything specific you want me to write about!
oh and don't worry im working on a lemon chapter next ;) //

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