Chapter twenty-five school problems part one

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So Zayn takes Bryanna, Lilly, Louis, and Abbie to Alyssa's room where her and Alanna are talking.

" bry, Lilly, Abbie, Louis, this is my best friend Alyssa!" Alanna said happily

" aww that's great pumpkin" Louis said with a smile

" hi" Alyssa said shyly

Louis, Abbie, Lilly, Zayn, and Bryanna walk over. Louis, Bryanna, and Abbie gasp at all the bruises and scares they see on Alyssa, and feel bad.

" hey Alyssa how are you feeling?" Asked Louis

" I okay, but I kind of am in pain though" Alyssa said sadly

" I am sorry Alyssa, but I bet the doctors have medicine that will make all the owwies go away okay?" Louis said

" really?" Alyssa asked

" really, it's true" Louis said

" yay!" Alyssa said

So Abbie, Louis, Alyssa, Alanna, Lilly, Bryanna, and Zayn talk.

( at the high school)

" hey Kayleigh, Rosie, where is Abbie? And umm Niall? Did they get scared to come to school again hmm?" A girl said walking up to them.

" no they aren't scared, they are just sick that's all" Rosie said

" oh yea right, sure. Good thing that ugly Abigail isn't here cause I can't stand her face, it's so ugly it makes me wanna barf" the girl said

" totally agree" two girls agreed with her

" would ya shut up and leave us alone hmm? She is a beautiful girl, you are ugly snobby bitches" Kayleigh said

" yea you guys are bitches so leave us alone and go somewhere else" Rosie said

" you did not just call us that did you?" The girl said angrily

" I sure did, and it's so true" Rosie said

" agreed" Kayleigh

" that's it, I thought it was only that Abigail that was stupid, apparently it runs in your run down household" she said as she pushes Rosie to the floor.

" don't you ever touch her you little bitch" Kayleigh said pushing the girl down.

" oh no you didn't" the girl said as she trips Kayleigh, and then Rosie hits her.

So Kayleigh and Rosie are now fighting with this girl, and her two friends are joining in. People are looking and watching, but Liam walks up, and when he sees this, he rushes in just as the principle walks up.

" girls break it up now" the principle yelled

The girls don't listen.

So the principle separates all the girls with the help of Liam.

" Rosie, Kayleigh, Annabelle, Jamie, and Michelle to my office now!" The principle said sternly

" yes sir" the girls say and leave, so do all the other students including Liam, but Liam goes to the front office because he wants to know what happened.

The principle walks into his office where all five girls are seated, Liam is by the door listening.

" okay girls what happened?" Asked the principle

They all start talking at once.

" enough, Kayleigh explain please" he asked

" okay well me and Rosie were talking by our lockers when these girls show up and I am guessing the know Abbie and Niall, mostly Abbie. They start making fun of them, but most Abbie about being scared and everything. Me and Rosie defended them, and use maybe a couple curse words but so did they. Umm I think here name is Jamie, she pushed rosie, and I wasn't happy, so I pushed her, and then we started fighting, and that's when Michelle and and Annabelle join in" she explains

" girls is that true?" He asked

" yes sir" the other four answer.

" okay girls, do you know the punishment for bullying and fighting?" He asked

" a paddling" Rosie said sadly

" calling our guardians" Annabelle said

" and suspended from school for three days" Michelle said

" that's right, and that's exactly what's going to happen" he said going to his closet.

" please don't call my parents, I am sorry" Jamie said

" too late Jamie, I am calling them because what you did was unacceptable" he said sternly

" but" Jamie said looking scared

" no buts" he said

" yes sir" Jamie said worried and scared.

The principle pulls out his paddle, and sets it on the desk.

" alright a volunteer to be first?" He asked

No one answered

" okay I can pick" he said

" I will go first" Kayleigh said

" alright bend over the desk," he said

" yes sir" Kayleigh said

She bends her his desk. The principle wastes no time in starting, as he slams the paddle down hard on Kayleigh's bottom. Whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack. Kayleigh was trying to hold back tears but couldn't, it hurt badly. He keeps going. Whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack. Whack whack whack whack. Kayleigh was crying a bit hard but she was desperately trying to hide it.

" alright, you may go wait outside until I am done and your guardians are here" the principle said

" yes sir" Kayleigh says as she fixes her skirt and leaves the room, as soon as the door shuts, she breaks down crying. Thankfully Liam was there and he picked her up and cuddles her.

" baby girl what happened? What did he do to you? What happened?" Liam asked worriedly as he holds Kayleigh close.

" he gave me a paddling cause I fought with some girls because they were being mean and making fun of Abbie and Niall and I didn't like it. I am sorry lili" Kayleigh says crying.

" hey baby girl I am in no way mad at you, I am actually very proud of you for standing up for Niall and Abbie, that was very brave of you. Such a little fighter, also standing up for Rosie was good as well, you are growing up so much, I am proud of you" Liam said with a smile cuddling Kayleigh close who cries into Liam's chest.

" thank you Liam, but Zayn and Louis will be mad?" Kayleigh questions

" I am sure they will understand once you explain what happened, plus me and Rosie will have your back as you and me would for Rosie too" Liam said

" I hope so, who do you think is coming to pick me and Rosie up?" Asked Kayleigh

" I bet it's Zayn, as Louis probably doesn't want to leave the hospital with Niall and Abbie still there" Liam comments

" yea you are probably right" Kayleigh said as two more girls walk out, which where Annabelle and Michelle, they are crying, but just sit down and wait.

Liam sits down, and puts Kayleigh on his lap hugging her close as she rubs her eyes, when Jamie comes out crying hard, and sits down next to Kayleigh and Liam.

" hey Kayleigh I am sorry about what I said and did." Jamie said to Kayleigh

" it's fine, but please don't talk bad about my family? I'm sorry I beat you up too, but I was just really angry." Kayleigh said

" I will try not too, and it's okay I deserved it" Jamie said.

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