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Hey guys! While the vote goes on in the "notice book," please enjoy this story that I have been working on for a while now! This is my first story so don't be shy to tell me what you think in the comments! Happy reading :)

Prologue -

Advisor Aaron, dressed warmly in thick robes and winter's attire, slowed his pace as he approached the throne room, resting just before the heavy double doors to catch his breath.

The two guards standing at either side, armed to the teeth with heavy spears and metallic amour, barely acknowledged him, except for swinging open the doors and moving aside.

The advisor had been summoned.

Letting out a shaky breath, Aaron trudged past the guards, bringing up a wavering hand to pat down the wild tuffs of his wispy grey hair.

Hopefully, this wouldn't take long, he thought—prayed.

"The Chief Advisor has arrived!" boomed the voice of a guard, echoing over the marble walls and floor, travelling to the end of the room; a lavish throne graced the raised platform at the far end, complemented by the towering white pillars that stretched the length of the throne room.

And seated upon it...

The advisor placed a hand over his chest, nodding his head. "Your Majesty."

King Claude de Artenoir gazed down from his elevated position, sharp glare piercing the old advisor, who gulped as he kept his eyes trained to the ground.

His Majesty's stare was cold, ruthless. His voice, even more so.

"Chief Advisor," he began, sending a chill through the old man's spine. "I trust you bring me good news?"

Aaron raised his eyes to meet those of his king, letting out a slow breath as he did so.

Sat upon the throne, Claude leaned back, bored, with a hand resting under his chin. Long and slender fingers tapped at his skin and armrest in an absentminded, yet somehow calculated, manner. His smooth, wrinkleless visage shone with an abundant radiance, like the flame on a fresh candle, enticingly handsome.

Yes, King Claude was a handsome man, looking no older than twenty-five. Aaron tried to look away from his youthful face, his dark hair, his dazzling eyes that held both a burning fire and a frosty blizzard, but something about his king forced him to keep looking, to gawk at his unmatched beauty.

Advisor Aaron almost forgot what he was asked.

"Ah, y-yes! Of course, my liege!"

Hastily, Aaron took a few steps forward, stopping well away from the throne. Folding his hands one over the other, he took in a short breath, readying himself to deliver the news.

His words today would dictate his fate.

"After investigating the... disturbance from last week, we have discovered the source to be... ah, how should I say this...?"

"Just," the king jabbed, voice barely raised above a conversational tone, "say it."

To Aaron, it was a slap in the face. Claude's tone, light as it was, did not match the dark look in his emerald eyes. Aaron looked down at his feet, avoiding that piercing scrutiny for at least a second, before mustering the courage to meet his eyes.

He took a deep breath.

"The source, as discovered by the First Order knights, was... a fairy."


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