Double A

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Mmm, oh baby- the fearless couple
Thot-random girl/boy
Bitch, yo momma!-random bitch responds
Aye girl when you gonna let me holler?-school player
Dude, catch!-school jock

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is high school. Well, at least it's how my school is. One more year, I keep telling myself, just one more year.

I push past the couple, dodge whatever it is the jock is throwing, and breathe a sigh of relief when I make it to my locker. And then I lose that breath. Amber just walked by me. If I were a dude, I would definitely have a boner right now. I mean, I'd been feeling pretty confident ever since I came out as bisexual, but now I wasn't so sure. Valentine's Day was right around the corner and I was forever alone. Plus, I was crushing on Amber, but she was definitely straight. So yea, my life pretty much sucked as of now.

I pushed the fantasy out of my mind as I grabbed my books and headed to my friends locker.

"Hey, Sharkeisha."

"Shut up hoe."

"Guh, you know you want this."

"Or nah. Stop trying to act ghetto."

I laughed and then started doing some weird stuff as I waited for her to finish at her locker. She turned around and burst out giggling when she saw me doing my pitiful attempt at twerking.

"Stop, just stop. You look like a twig twitching."

I fake pouted. "Everyone can't be as thick as you. Anyways, I may be team little booty, but it's poking, can't be mad cause it's working, I be up in that club yea I'm twerking, look at you, got you soaking, think you got a chance with me, must be joking."

She glanced at my pancake and then back at me. "Riight, yea, um, don't try to be a rapper. Ever. So did you do that AP US History homework?"

I rolled my eyes. She was always crushing my dreams. "Of course. You know me- another sleepless night. But that's not what I want to talk about. Valentine's Day."

"Okayy. What about it?"

"I need a date."


"Help me get a date."

She sighed. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know. You found Cleveland."

"His name is not Cleveland; it's Michael."

I laughed. "I know, but he looks like a Cleveland, and sounds like one, too."

"So you want me to find someone like Cleveland?"

"See, you're catching on," I said with a smile. She gave a sigh of frustration. I tend to hear those a lot, so I overlooked her rudeness. "No. I mean, nothing against him, just someone who acts like him. Someone romantic and funny and deep and dark and mysterious."

She stopped walking and looked at me. "You know, sometimes I don't know what to do with you. And sorry, but it looks like you're on your own. I know no one like that."

I turned to her begging. "No! Please! Okay, they don't have to have all those qualities, just... someone who's funny, but they can also talk about deep or controversial stuff. Is that too much to ask?"

She bit her lip and hesitated before answering. "Okay. I think I know someone, but you have to be open minded."

"Oh gosh, that means they're ugly, doesn't it?"


"Okay, sorry sorry. It doesn't matter." I paused. "But are they?"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," she answered cryptically.

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