What People Should Be Writing About

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Well right here and now I'm gonna say what people should be focusing on writing about instead of one   durr-ection or Rustin Hieber or whatever the childrens are into these days.

CTHUHLU: This guy is definately something that should be written about. For those of you who live under a rock, Cthuhlu is an ancient monster that lives in an ancient city under the ancient ocean (the ocean really isn't ancient, but i just wanted to say it again.) He is basically like a squid-face guy and is really rad and is very great. There are a few games made for him, but i can only say Call of Cthuhlu, and every version of that has broken qualities.

THE PUNISHER: One of the coolest things about this Marvel hero is his backstory. Well, in the 2004 movie his entire family was killed (even extended) by a gang and the entire movie is based around him getting back at them, but he does it in the BEST WAYS! He doesn't just kill everybody, he makes the gang leader kill his best friend and his wife. The way he does this is make the best friend go to a hotel 1 or 2 times and he makes the guy's wife get a bill for it. The man is suspicious of this and goes to his best friend's house. He looks on his bed and on it is a earring he has recently given to his wife (curtousy to The Punisher) and then his best friend gets back to his house. He then goes and kills him and then kills his wife by pushing her off of a bridge in front of some train tracks, where a train is convienently coming down the tracks (later his son asks "where's Mom?" and he says "she left" "how?" "she caught a train" XDDDDDDDDD). Also at some point in time The Punisher meets Spiderman, or so I've heard. 

ETERNAL DARKNESS: Well since this is a video game you may disinterested ladies, but seriously there are like (fake) gods and stuff. But the most hype thing about this game is probably Mantarok. Now since everybody who's reading this has no idea who Mantarok is go look him up on Google Images. Now come back and tell me with a straight face that that is not the most rad thing ever made ever. It's just he's so cool! I mean even something other than Mantarok is how the characters are related because literally are all in different time periods. I think this is rad, 4.5 hey hey heys out of 4.6

Well tune in again at some point in time for some more rad things!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2012 ⏰

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