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There comes a time if you wonder whether you're alive or dead. This time is short but has an impact on who you want to be. We are told that life doesnt last long, but what if it's shorter than we hoped for? It comes, it kills, it leaves. But what is it? Unfortunately, I cannot answer that, for those who have seen it have never lived long to tell. What if I told you, you're already dead? If I told you that We're already dead? Every single one of us. Perhaps it's not us who controls our lives, but our souls are connected to a being that kills, that hunts anything that it feels will make it feel... Complete.

When he finds the missing piece, what will happen? Will war stop, will crime cease to exist? The answer to this is unknown but highly likely. So remember, we are never truly alive but we are never truly dead. We exist so it can feed off us and keep existing for itself. It'll create our lives we know now to preserve our life force and feed off of it until we are truly dead. We are never a different person because we are the same being. Welcome to your preservation number 89,241. Focus on everything else in your stay, never it. It will know. And it will kill you itself.

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