Fresh Start

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Hi there, I'm Y/n a 16 year old girl who has recently moved to America  to start a fresh start cause my  mother has just gone through a horrible divorce and is trying to recover. You are sad because you had to leave Italy your old witch school, which was not a famous one, but you had so many friends there that  you have known for a lifetime. It was hard for you to leave your old life behind, but you know deep down that it was good decision for you and for my mum.

You moved into a house in the muggle world ,you being a muggle-born. It was a small, cozy house. There was two rooms one for your Mum and for you. Your room was pretty small not as big as your old room. You are going to go to Hogwarts, a very good wizard school, maybe too good for your knowledge from your old school, but you planned to learn very well to rise to their level and achieve a lot to make your mother proud.

Mom:Darling, could you please help me carry in the luggage I can't do it by myself.

You:Coming mother!

You put your diary aside and  head down to help. After carrying  your luggage to your room , you started to unpacking. Until you spot something a photo of you mum and dad tears start rolling down your face you put it on your dressing table as you wipe your tears from your eyes.  There was a small balcony, you look outside  imaging what  your new life would be like.~After a month~You organized your room beautifully from the first week as you start to get used to your new house. Tomorrow is your first day at school and you are very nervous. That very day your mum takes you to Diagon Alley. You buy your school uniform, the necessary ones, including a gorgeous white owl which you named Frosty. You fell asleep imagining what your first day is going to be like. You feel bad having to leave your poor mum she says that while you are away she is going to stay at my Uncles who is a muggle. The next day you woke up very early so you don't miss the train that leaves at 8:30am.

Mom: Be careful! Success Y / n, and she hugs you warmly. 

You: You're suffocating me, you say barely breathing. 

Your mum drives you via the flying car that your father bought her for her birthday and in half of hour you arrived at the train station. Your mum gives you a big hug with tears running down her face she hands you your ticket.

Mom: Sorry! Take care of yourself and write to me when you can! 

Mom: Love you! 

You: Bye! Love you too.

After your mum leaves, you look at the ticket: it says station nine and three quarters. You went between stations nine and ten, but it wasn't there it didn't  exist. You soon see a red-haired boy with exactly the same baggage and an a rat. He must be from Hogwarts! You approached him shyly

You: Hi! Can you please tell me were the station nine and three quarters is?

He started staring at you and left his mouth open. 

You: Excuse me? Do you know were it is? 

???: Umm, of course. Are you new to Hogwarts? I'm Ron. 

You: I'm Y/n.

Ron:I'm waiting my friends, Harry, Ginny and Hermione. You can go with us if you want. 

You:Sure, thank you. I am in 7th year by the way. 

Ron: So are we! 

You: Great! 

He looks at you and blushes. His friends arrived, who luckily broke the awkward silence between you two. 

???:Hi Ron, and he hugged his friend

.  ???:Hi! 

???: I'm Harry, Harry Potter. 

You: Hi! I'm Y/n.
(Harry Potter you think to yourself)
You: I've heard of you. Nice to meet you. (You put out your hand and he shakes it)

Harry: Nice to meet you too. This is my girlfriend Ginny and my best friend Hermione. 

Hermione & Ginny Hi! 

You: Hi! I'm in the same year as you I'm new here I moved from my old which school in Italy.

Harry: Cool, also you can sit with us on the train! 

You: Thank you!

You look as each of them enter through  the magic wall between station nine and ten. You follow from behind running, you closed your eyes as you entered through the wall. You open your eyes to see the Hogwarts Express it was such a beautiful sight. Many children who were excited to get to school, saying goodbye to their parents.

You hop onto the train and join your new friends in the compartment. You sat down and everyone told you how the hat will choose the right house for you. They told you something about each house and it seemed to you that slytherin suited you the most. Suddenly someone enters the compartment. It was a tall boy with brown hair.

???:Hi guys! Is Y/n here? 

You: Yes, I am!

???: Hi, I am Neville. Proffesor Mcgonagall wants to talk to you. Follow me.

You followed Neville curiously. After a few minutes you arrive in another compartment and Mrs. Mcgonagall was waiting for you there with some books in her hand. 

Mcgonagall: Hello Y/n, and welcome! 

You: Hello! Thank you! 

Mcgonagall: It will be hard for you at the beginning, but here are some books that might help you about the most important spells, that the students learned in the past 6 years.  You take them. 

You: Thank you so much. Goodbye!

There were about four very thick books and you could barely hold them. You headed to the other compartment, but suddenly you stumbled and fell on a student. All your books fall to the ground and you bend over to pick them up without seeing who you came across. You: I'm so-

???: Watch where your going! 

 You: Well I wanted to apologise but- You get up and see that in front of you was a very handsome boy with blond hair and grey eyes. The boy sat for a second and examined the beautiful girl standing in front of him.

???:But what?he wakes up, ( really arrogant.)

You: But, with that attitude you don't deserve an apology.  You take the books that are extremely heavy and you push past the blond haired boy. He stays a few seconds behind you looking at your your long brown hair and body.  You arrived and  a feeling of  excitement and nervous took over your body. You had to take boats to get to the castle. There was no  space left on Harry's boat, so hopped onto another one where there was that mysterious blonde with two more boys. You sat down without saying a word to them but the blonde started commenting. 

???: What is she doing here? She has a lot of courage in my opinion. (Stares at you hair glowing)

You: No one cares about your opinion! You say pissed off. There's no other empty boat, do you want me to swim or what?! (You get ready to jump in) ???: Woah, wait, well I'd love to see you wet, and he bites his down lip. You quickly sit down and look away as they start laughing at you. You look at the huge beautiful castle in front of you. It is so much bigger than your old Which school. The castle was full of lights and mysteries waiting to be unraveled and explored.

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