Chapter 7

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"And what if she's so mad and never wants to see me again," Juliet said as she stuffed her mouth with a giant sub.

"You are the epitome of an overthinker" Nicholas chuckled as he took a bite of his garlic bread and watched Juliet scrunch her nose.

"It could happen you know" Juliet argued, Nicholas sighed amusedly with her different scenarios.

"But we both are aware, that it won't happen"

"Maybe I shouldn't.." Juliet whispered to herself.

"You're going," Nicholas said, in more of a 'you have no choice' tone, which she was totally against but what exactly could she really do about it you know?

"Don't look at me like that" Juliet scolded as she raised her glass of wine and downed it, it was going to be a long day.

Just as Nicholas was going to speak his phone rang, searching through his pockets he fished out his phone reading the caller ID.

Answering it he held it up to his ear and sighed.

"Mr. Deveroux whom do I owe this pleasure" Nicholas began unamused.

Juliet couldn't make out what the other line was saying but she could faintly understand what the conversation about from Nicholas' words.

Nicholas put the phone down and sighed as he looked at Juliet disappointed and irritated. 

"I have to go" he stated as he stood up, Juliet shortly smiled and stood up as well gathering their finished plated and stacked them.

"go- I got it," Juliet said as she pulled out her credit card, but before she could Nicholas had his out already and was heading towards the front to pay.

Sighing she grabbed her purse and her belongings, as she walked to the front as well,

"Go see your mom, Jules" Nicholas finally said as he looked at Juliet one last time before taking off, 

She had one last day, to make things right with her mother. One day to finally mend the broken from years ago. 

However the question lied within it, can it be fixed? 

Taking a deep breath Juliet sat in her car her hands on the steering wheel as she took a deep breath, she had a day to make this right.

She had one day to solve what haunted her every day, the fear of losing her mom altogether.


Standing at the front of her mother's house the anxiousness feeling overwhelmed as a pit grew in her stomach.

It had been years, but was it really all her fault? 

Finally building up the courage, she pressed the doorbell. contemplating whether to run back to her car and leave the relationship like it was,

Somethings cannot be fixed, it is out of one's control. 

After shuffling was heard the door finally opened revealing her mother. Juliet looked up, her mother seemed older, sadder in some way. 

Dark circles under her eyes, her hair was cut short. It all seemed so unreal as if she had missed everything. 

"Juliet?" Her mother's fragile voice was evident, tears began forming as Juliet engulfed her mother in a long-awaited hug.

There was no feeling better than this, the relief the feeling of happiness all mixed together. This hug felt like no other.

Her mother cried into her shoulder, she could feel the heavy tears, the emotion in her mother's soft cries. 

Had it been so long? 

"I am so sorry Juliet" Her mother's shaky voice explained,

"I know Ma" Juliet admitted as they stayed in that hug for what seemed to be hours, but even then it wouldn't be enough to express this euphoric feeling. 

"Please, come inside" Juliet's mother finally said as they parted. With a small smile, Juliet walked inside her childhood home. 

Not much had changed, the flower pots had dying flowers, the windows were open letting the sun do its work.

Paintings were moved, small trinkets had now been placed where there were empty spots. It looked different but at the same time.

However the feeling of home never seemed to wash away, 

"Your father stepped out, he's been in and out" Juliet's mother explained as they both took a seat on the couch across from each other.

"I see," Juliet said unable to find words to stir up a conversation.

"I looked for you" Juliet's head shot up as she looked at her mother who seemed so terribly sad, and the guilt was overwhelming

"What?" Juliet asked confused furrowing her eyebrows, she hadn't heard anything from her mother since that night.

"Well you see, a few months after our incident I went to Nicholas to ask him about you, he said you left. I was sure it was because of me, so I stopped looking" Juliet's mother admitted,

"Nicholas hadn't said anything to me," Juliet said looking at her mother

"I asked him to say nothing about it." She said with a tear run down her face.

"But why?" Juliet asked as her mother looked up at the ceiling, embarrassed of the situation but all Juliet could think of how different it could have been.

"Because I was convinced Juliet, that you hated me so much that you left. I hurt you more than I knew and there was no forgiving in that" Her mother admitted her eyes giving up on her as tears pooled,

Slowly Juliet walked over to her mother engulfing her in a hug.

She was so damaged, so hurt. Beyond repair because of some petty argument, 

And so they sat engulfed in each other's arms for hours. Too afraid to let go, because what was broken, had to mended in such ways that words could never heal.

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