Slenders Mansion

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"Ben how did you get out of your game " sorry master ben said when ben and I looked up at the figure it was slendy oh thank god Ben said. Slendy turned to hear my parents. He rushed us to the mansion. When we we got there Ben said good times I never thought I would be here again *sniffle*. It was 7:00 I was sleepy slender said to get some rest, but I didn't have a place to sleep. Ben said "she can sleep with me!" I was surprised by this. Me and Ben raced up the stairs and I just slept in my clothes. Ben took his shirt off and laid down next to me. Since he did that I took my jacket off and was only wearing a tank top and shorts he didn't have a shirt just shorts. In an instant I fell asleep, trying not to snore. Ben woke it was morning and I was still asleep. God she's pretty. He woke me gently and I woke, rubbed my eyes and got off the bed and put my jacket back on and went outside. Ben followed.

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