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I've been working on this for, like, ever! So here i present you, my first chapter. To my Spideypool readers, let's celebrate almost reaching 5000 reads with a new couple. I just love these two. The funniest part is that my absolute biggest struggle with this story....was whether to keep the character Tony Stark's original blue eyes or stick with Robert Downey Jr.'s hazel-green. 



Steven pulled into the driveway and turned off his bike. He looked up at the mansion, and shook his head, using his heel to put down the kickstand and taking off his helmet. Why did he have to be the one to do this?

He set his helmet on the seat and walked up to the door. it was basically a wall of glass. Did he knock or was there some kind of doorbell? um...

Awkwardly, Steve reached up and knocked on the glass. 

A blonde poked her head out around the corner. Steve raised his hand in greeting and smiled as she came over and opened the door. "Can I help you?"

"Steve Rogers. Pleased to meet you. I'm here for Tony."

She smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you, I'm Pepper. Come in, Tony's down in his shop. He never leaves. You're going to have to go down and get him."

Steve followed her into the house, looking around. The place was huge. 

"Just go down those stairs, type in he code two-nine-three-seven-eight-one and hit the green button."

Steve smiled at her. "Thank you, appreciate it." He walked down the stairs and looked through the glass wall-

His eyes grew wide. Gizmos, gadgets, doo-hickeys and just wall after wall of technology he didn't understand lay just beyond a window. There was music playing, a guitar solo. He reached down and typed in the code, opening the door and looking around. He heard metal banging and a drill. Steve looked around a corner-


An explosion lit off and Steve immediately dropped to the floor, laying on his stomach and looking for danger.

Tony cam flying into view and crashed into some kind of desk with tools on it, dropping to the floor.

"Ooohhhh, that one hurt." He stood up, wiping his shirt off and talking to him himself. "Gotta lower the power, adjust the sensitivity." He looked in the direction he'd flown from and shuddered, then glanced over at Steve. "Cap! What are you doing here?"

No matter how many times it happened, or how much Steve prepared himself, Tony's gaze always made him lose his breath. The man was beautiful, with jet-black, inky hair and a handsome goatee, hazel-green eyes and an amazing body. Steven hated himself for these feelings. He didn't really have a problem with homosexuals, but he sure as hell didn't want to be one. And he especially didn't want to be attracted to someone like Tony Stark.

Steve got up off the floor, wiping the dirt off his shirt and walking over to him. "You're needed at SHIELD."

Tony sighed, walking away. "For what?"

Steve followed him. "I don't know, I was just sent here to get you."

Tony sat down and picked up a metal glove, using a tiny screwdriver and doing...something. "Cap, I don't want to be an Avenger anymore. It's just not my thing."

"But you're needed-"

Tony didn't turn around, just continued working. "No, you guys are needed. Iron Man is officially not an Avenger. Get someone else."

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