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It's been a week since Yoongi has been home. A week of loneliness, a week of no laughter. A week of no Yoongi smiling, not even texting for a week. He was bummed out, currently in his café after feeding the cat. but where was Yoongi you may ask? He's back in Daegu with his friend to look at pictures. What a week.

Jungkook just got done with his shift, clocking out. He was walking down the street, when someone bumped into him. He looked up to see Namjoon, and waved at him. "Hey Namjoon. How are you?"

Namjoon stopped and looked at Jungkook, smiling. "I'm doing alright. How have you been? Also uh..where has Yoongi been? He hasn't been answering the door for packages and I keep having to come back the next day to see if he's there. Is he okay?"

Jungkook nodded and checked his phone to see if he had any texts. Nope. He looked up at Namjoon, "Yoongi-ssi is in Daegu with his friend to look at pictures. He took the bus there, that's why his car is still there..I hope he's safe. What were in the packages? If you don't mind me asking."

"Ah no, it's no problem. Yoongi bought a couple more stuffed toys, a crib..diapers and well..some things thay shouldn't be said. Gotta keep it secret you know?"

"And wait- how do you know the packages?"

Jungkook got curious, was he looking in the packages? Or was he Yoongis significant other?

"I'm the one that runs the shop where Yoongi buys this stuff from. I do have little space stuff, but I do have clothing, accessories..jackets and..you know..for those who want it and can't buy it from anywhere else. It's my pleasure to help people in need."

Namjoon smiled, then looked around. He felt his phone buzz, taking out his phone and looking at it. "Oh it's Yoongi!" he exclaimed, answering it and putting it on speaker.

"Hi Yoongi!"

"Hyung! uh hey- I'm kind of in a situation right now..kind of a..boy crush situation and I know you're gay and all. You had an experience with a boy haven't you? Sorry for calling if you were busy."

Namjoon took Jungkooks arm and walked to his car, getting in the drivers seat. Jungkook got in the passenger seat, closing the door. Namjoon spoke up, "Sorry I was getting into my car. What is it?"

"No worries. It's a..code rainbow."

Namjoon looked at Jungkook then put the phone on mute. "Code rainbow means that he has a crush on a guy and can't function correctly when he's away from his crush for a long time."

Jungkook nodded, listening to every word. He looked back at the phone and unmuted it.

Yoongi spoke again, "And uh..I'm about to lose it. I want to come back home but Tae wants to take me shopping tomorrow.."

"I can definitely help. What does your crush look like?" Namjoon asked, putting the phone on the arm rest in the middle as he started his car.

"W-Well..he's tall, dark brown eyes like..dark chocolate..I want chocolate now wow. Uh, he has dark brown hair..tan skin and strong arms..he likes my instagram from time to time..Juandon76? Yeah..h-him oh god he's hot- uh I'm panicking what do I do- TAE NO STOP THAT'S MY ONLY CAMERA- dangit Taehyung!"

Namjoon muted the phone so him and Jungkook could laugh. Jungkook wiped his tears away after a while, sighing.

"Oh my god, that was great. But what he's describing sounds like you, Jungkook. If he was talking about me, he would've said dimples by now."

"What?" a voice from the phone said.

Jungkook looked at the phone, seeing it still unmuted. "Hyung, I thought you muted it!"

I'll Help You, Little One.[EDITED.]Where stories live. Discover now