Chapter 58 and 59

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Chapter 58:

Niall's Pov

I have a list of regrets but this... Her.... What I did.... That was on top. Why'd I end everything? I didn't want her to get hurt. I was hurt now. Was she? She was with Harry... She probably forgot me and what we had. I laid in bed. I stared at her picture. We never took any pictures together. The only one I had was the ones in the magazine. Memories flashed in my mind of that day. "I'm sorry..." I whispered as they faded in to the present. I couldn't go to sleep. What was her and Harry doing? I fought every nerve to call her... to text kher.... to find her.... I was in pain. I cried and cried. I feel like I have no tears left. Minutes and hours passed and I still couldn't sleep. I wanted to turn back time. I wanted her back. I wanted her with me. I should be in Harry's place. Even if I never ended it, she'd still be

with Harry and I would be still trying to steal her. He would probably win. He was lucky. He gets to hold her. He gets to kiss her. He gets to let everybody know that she's his... His and not mine. I bit my lip. Tears were coming back. Why?

Harry's Pov

She was asleep. She was curled up in my bed. We've been out ever since early this morning. We just arrived home. I carried her in and laid her down. She was so beautiful. So peaceful. I ran a finger tracing her jawline. "I'll love you forever." I whispered. I laid down beside her. I pulled her into me. She was warm. Her breaths steady. She didn't seem real. She was like a dream. She was my dream. Something didn't seem right though. It was the guilt. The guilt I wanted to go away. I wanted to pretend never happened.... but it did. It was stupid desions. I shouldn't have done. Why'd I do it? I don't know. If I told her it would ruin everything. If I didn't the guilt would build up. I didn't want to thing anymore. I buried my face in her hair. I caught the sweet scent. I smiled.

Maiya's Pov

I laid awake thinking. Replying everything that happened in the last month. I lost my best friend. How? When? Where? Was it when she chose Harry over me? Or before? When she stopped spending time with me? When she got Harry? I didn't know. Did she know what happened between him and me? Did he tell her? Should I? I buried my face in my pillow. We should of never came here. We should of never even left America. We should of saw what was coming. We should of been warned.

Zayn's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I stretched and got out if bed. "Hello?" I answered in a muffled bed. "I regret it!" Niall blared through on the other end crying. "Regret what?" I asked half asleep. It started to go on about Vannie. "Why'd you do it then?" I cut his sobs off. "I didn't want to hurt her!" You can tell the pain in his voice. "Hey I'll be right over there, so you can tell me more." I told him as I pulled my pants up on one leg.

Chapter 59:

Maiya's Pov

I jumped awake to a loud nosing coming from the kitchen. I let out a groan and headed toward the noise. My sleepy eyes came across the kitchen. It was mess. I looked around till I saw the cause of it. It was them. Harry and her. "What are you guys doing?" I snipped. "Making breakfast." Harry smiled showing his perfect dimple. It made my heart flutter. They both stood there with flour covering them head to foot. "Well, I'm not cleaning up your mess." I snapped out of my gaze and yelled at them. Harry smirked. "Okay then." His velvet voice carried. If I had it my way, he would be mine. I dragged myself out of the room so I wouldn't be tempted. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I tossed it turned. "Ugh!" I finally gave up.

Vannie's Pov

"You're dirty!" Harry smiled. "Yeah... I know." I said pushing him off of me. He sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You don't love me." He frowned. I narrowed my eyes. "You can't guilt me in to it." He then gave up and continued to stir the batter. "What about-" he started "No!" I cut him off. He furrowed his brow. I gave him a confused looked. "What about if I found Bruno Mars?" He tried again. "Then, I guess... I would leave you for him." I smiled. "Not funny!" He said. "Yeah well... It's the truth." He poured the batter in to the pan. He the started to sing Just The Way You Are. "Try all you want." I said trying to give him the point. "Try what? I'm just singing... You know that is my job." He teased. "Yeah to sing One Direction song, not Bruno Mars." I argued. "What if I am Bruno Mars..." He started. "I would know!" I smirked. "I love you!" He said kissing my lips. "Keeping trying." I whispered under my breath. "I will." He matched my volume.

Niall's Pov

It felt good to have that off my chest, but I still was hurt. I still wanted to cry. I still had regrets. Zayn listened as I retold them for the hundredth time. "Are you hungry?" He asked cutting me off. I hadn't thought of food, but him saying that made my stomach growl. "Well then, change clothes and we'll go" he said taking the sound as a yes.

Zayn's Pov

I was tired and I didn't want to put up with Niall's crying. Why couldn't he just get over her? He need to move on.

Maiya's Pov

I finally got up out of bed and headed back to the kitchen. "Just in time for breakfast!" Harry smiled as I walked. Vannie handed me a plate of waffles. I joined Blake and Shanelle at the table. "You woke me the f-ck up for waffles!" She frowned. "They're pancakes." Harry corrected her. "Still!" She complained. "Just eat them." Harry told her. "What if I don't f-cking want to!" She shouted. "Then don't, by the way use nicer language." He told her, you should hear the tiredness in his voice. "No! I'm a guest in your country! You're lucky to have me! So don't complain!" She told him

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