Chapter 3 Dates gone worng

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      Angel and Ezra's date

Ok so now I am all dressed up for this date that I have to go on the guys name I have been told is Ezra, I dont know him but all I have been told is that he is my KIT. I guess that means Kidnapper in training, but thats what I have been told. Whatever that means. I dont know if I should feel like something really bad is going to happen or if I am gonna get myself hurt, Knowing me I most likly will get myslef into trouble and hopefully lot of it.
            Ok so here I am waitig for these people to come and pick me up at least I still have Christina and Mavis with me while I wait for Ezra to come and get me I dont know where he is going to be taking me but I hope I find hlep and get out of here at least.
            So now that I have been told that Ezra is here and ready for me, I got this look on my face like now I have my chance to get away and leave this place look, the same guy that loves to get on me nerves all of the time now puts me in handcuffs with me hands behind me back so that I cant hurt anyone.Does that sound like me? I now have to go see this guy sounds like fun NOT. 

               Ok so now I'm finding myslef in the back of this really nice car, that I dont really want to be in but I guess I dont have any choice still hopeing in getting out of here but I dont think that is going to happen because I am still in handcuffs.

                                                               Ezras pont of veiw

         Ok so I now get to pick up and see the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life, I get to take her to one of my Favorite places but so far they have been telling me that she really is trying to get out of here so I have to take some gurads with me until  I go through  more training  on how to control her ( she cant be bad can she?)  When I made it to the car to see her sitting as far away as she could from me. She was makeing a huge effort to get away from me and out of the car. " Hey dont worry sweetheart, but if you keep trying you will have to get tied up agin and I dont want to see someone as beautiful as you be tied up all night that would ruin the fun." I said to her she looked all of the sudden really mad at me but there was not a thing she could do about it.
She glared at me. " Yeah and no matter what you tell me I will never listen to you and you will never be anyone that I care about so just give up now." She told me. That did not last long because I will have to control her one day. I turned to her and said, " Well this can be done the easy way or the hard way and its looks like you are not really going with the easy way." She laughed at me."Yeah don't worry because I choose the hard way and I am not changing my mind any time soon so I guess your going to  have to tie me up, if you can." She was feisty. I was enjoying this. " Now I see why they made me take guard with us and guess what? If you get in enough trouble  tonight and not do what your told I can make sure your friends pay for what you are doing. Do you want that?" She just all of the sudden went to ok I will just  listen now kind of thing.She teared up." I proimse that I will listen to you Just please do not hurt my friends."I felt a little bad but didn't show it. " Ok now that we got this worked lets go. Dont worry it gonna be fun and its dinner and we have school tomrrow." 
                                                          Angels point of veiw
     Ok so he started to go off on how I can get into a lot of trouble if I dont listen to him that he would hurt my friends, and me careing about me friends the way I do I choose to just listen to him. so by the time we got there I was already tierd of him and just wanted to go home and I never was told where we where going. He took me this restraunt that was really good, dinner was really quiet neither one of us talked to each other so there is not a whole lot to say about that beside that we go  into a fight about who was a better singer or  band I was going for Ariana Grande and he was going for someone who I cant rember the name of but they could not sing at all. Dinner ended up being really boring I wish it whoud have been a little bit more fun. The whole time I could not Stop thinking about what he had said about we start school tomorrow like what does that mean, but anyway I want to get back to that house and see how eveyone elses night went. As we got out of the car, He looked in to my eyes and said" Look, I'm sorry this wasn't more fun. Next time ok? Now go get some sleep." Then he pushed me into the house and shut the door.

Mavis, earlier that night.
I surveyed my surroundings. We were in the car, and I was looking out the window. I was going for the, 'be good, earn trust and get out strategy.' So far, I wasn't really afraid though. Scott noticed my eyes but said nothing the whole car ride. I finally asked " Where are we going Scott?" He looked at me with disgust and I suddenly knew why when I saw that his eyes were also irregular. But not the violet shade of mine, but a soft blue shade that humans couldn't have, and I knew to run from. "Oh my god." I started, " You're" my tongue burned as I tried to say it. I could only say it as I was referring to my friend. "I know." Started Scott, " and you are one of the filthy kind that ruin humanity." He finished, never taking his eyes off the road. "Scott, I didn't ask for this. I was born this way. Really, had I known, I would have told you first. Why did you pick me if you knew?" He didn't respond as we arrived back at the house. He looked at me finally. "Because I love a challenge, and before I was chosen, I loved you." He turned away, got back in car, and drove away. I went inside, realizing that this wasn't going to be as pleasant as the warm fire of home, or as Angel and Chrissy know it, Hell. The one place Scott couldn't ever go, or he would die.

Christina, beginning of the night.
I saw Angel and I was happy. Ryan, who was my partner ,was scary, and he thought that we could stay in for the night. So I said sure and was totally fine with watching watching a movie or whatever, when he suggested that we go for a swim in the pool. I didn't want to be discovered for what I was, so I said " Ummm..... I don't like to swim."  He looked at me fiendishly. He smirked. "Oh, you will." He said, still smiling. Shit, I thought. Shit, shit, shit. My tail. Fuck. We walked outside and I was in my bikini and he dove into the pool. I had no choice. I jumped in. I felt my tail start. At first, Ryan looked at it in mock horror, then he started to laugh. "It's a small world isn't it, fishy?" He laughed. "Don't worry. I won't tell." I felt a rush of releif. Thank god Ryan wasn't scared.

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