may 3 , 1917

75 3 0

Dear diary, Edmund and I met the family for the first time today! Im was so excited! We drove for a few hours to a house in the middle of a small town. The house was not very big, we went in and there was a man waiting for us named Bruce, he is very thin and has white and old hair. He gave us a tour of the house but since we arrived late we went to bed immediately afterwards.

May 4 , 1917

No , I cant be here.
I cant live here.
Bruce is not nice to us. He is abusing us. He said he did not want to hear a word from us, and if we made noises he hit us.

May 10 , 1917

Dear diary, im sorry i didnt write anything for days. Bruce is abusing us.
Oh no, he's comeing, i have to go!

Time passed and Edmund and Mildred realized they had to run away. They ran away and returned to the social worker. She was shocked by the story and so sorry they had to go through it. The worker loved them so much and decided to forge in their documents that they are biological siblings. She found them a new home. But in every house they came to they were again abused no matter how well they behaved. Until they got to the next house:

November 7, 1919

We are moving again, to a new home. I have hope that this house will be different. That in this house they will love us and take care of us.

It was a great day!!, The house is huge, 3 floors with a huge yard. The parents were waiting for us at the entrance, they were both fat.
they had a big smile on their faces when we arrived, we went inside and they brought us presents and lots of chocolates and ice cream, I was so happy, I do not think I ever felt that way. Immediately afterwards they gave us a tour of the house and showed us our room, I could see that Edmund was also excited, and then we got to the basement they said it was the best part of the house, we went down there and saw a big dollhouse especially for us! Edmund and I were so happy, it was a great day! I can not wait for tomorrow!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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