My one and only love

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We head out and get in the car...we take a wonderful drive to the park.when we get out of the car,I immediately find the perfect place to sit.We grab our picnic basket and sit down.for a few minutes,we sat in silence. He leaned over to kiss me...I grab his face and we kiss for what seems like forever.His tongue slides into my mouth and mine into his(we french kiss).He rolls me over on my back and grasps me firmly.When he finally pulls away,he says, "I will always be here by your side Emilyn." I blush and reply, " Please always stay with me...i love you  more than all of the stars in the sky."He hugs me tightly as if he doesn't want me to slip out of his grasp.

   When we are done being romantic(for now) , it is already almost noon.He says to me, " Would you like a sandwich?" "Yes please." I reply.we eat our lunch in the park and happily bird watch until about two pm.

   "Emilyn,"he begins to ask," What would you say if I asked you to  marry me?"

My eyes tear up..."Oh my know that I would say yes!"

"Well...we have to do this the right way,so stand up."he says.I stand on my feet and try not to freak out.

" Emilyn Mae Lawson, will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

I shreik..."Oh Samuel ...YES!!!"

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