Chapter Four

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The next morning Demetri knocks on Heidi's door "I've bought Y/N breakfast" "Come in Demetri" Heidi opens the door and lets him in. "Y/N this is Demetri, he has bought you breakfast" Y/N turned around and looked at him "Thank you, that's really nice of you" She said smiling "You're very welcome cara mia" He replied smiling; "Demetri can you stay with Y/N please, I have some work to do?" Heidi asked "Yes of course" He replied. Heidi passed Felix in the corridor "How come you didn't bring Y/N breakfast?" She asked him "Demetri offered to do it as part of his plan to help me get to know her" He replied and Heidi just nodded trusting that they had a plan figured out.

Meanwhile, back in Heidi's room "Did you sleep well?" Demetri asked Y/N "Yes I did, thank you for asking" She replied. "How are you doing with everything?" He asked her. "Y-you know?" She asked "Only what I heard in the throne room as I was on duty at the time" He answered. "You know then that I found out from my half-sister and her in-laws that I have a soulmate who's a vampire; the strongest vampire in the world actually, but that he'll reject me and lock me away forever" Y/N said with no emotion; she didn't see the anger that flashed in his eyes. He didn't say anything. "It's ok Demetri I've accepted that the one person who's supposed to love me forever won't. I just hope that this gets dealt with soon as I do not wish to be an inconvenience to anyone any longer than needed" Y/N added. "You wouldn't be an inconvenience to him, in fact I think he'll be pleased to meet you" Demetri replied "Y-you know him?" Y/N asked "Yes and despite what you have been told he'd never be cruel to you" Demetri said trying to reassure her. "It doesn't matter anyway" Y/N replied "It does matter Y/N. Please give him a chance to show you what he is really like. I think you may be surprised" He said hoping she would give Felix a chance.

Later that morning Jane is sent to fetch Y/N from Heidi's room "Y/N? Are you in here?" Jane calls as she enters the room "In the bathroom, I'll be out in a minute" Y/N calls back. "I've been asked to take you to the throne room; Aro would like to speak to you" "O-ok" Y/N replies bracing herself to be rejected.

Jane opens the doors to the throne room and Y/N notices that the three kings and Demetri are in the room waiting for her, along with a shorter dark haired vampire, who shares a resemblance to Jane. Jane feels Y/N grab her hand and give it a squeeze "You'll be ok, I promise" Jane says low to Y/N. "Ahh Jane, Y/N, so nice to see you both" Aro says smiling, descending down the throne steps "So we have spoken to your mate about the situation and he has read the letter that was addressed to me and he has chosen not to reject you...but rather he would like the opportunity to get to know you. What do you say?" Aro asks "I-I'm not sure. I mean I thought..." Y/N was cut off by Marcus "I know that you had accepted what the Cullens had told you but you should know you are safe here with us and your mate would very much like to meet you" "O-ok, but on one condition" Y/N said quietly looking at Aro, who nodded "I'd like Demetri or Heidi to be with me when I meet him" Aro looked at Demetri who nodded "Yes that sounds fair Y/N. Demetri will accompany you when you meet your mate" Aro replied. Demetri made his way over to Y/N "Come I'll take you to meet him now...he's in the garden" Demetri took Y/N's warm hand in his cold one and led her to where Felix was waiting for her.

Once they reached the garden Y/N noticed a huge dark haired vampire sitting on the bench in front of the small water feature. "You'll stay won't you...please?" Y/N asks looking up at Demetri "Of course that's why I am here" He answered her. "Felix" Demetri called softly getting his friend's attention and he turned around "This is Y/N, your mate. Y/N this is Felix" He added as Felix smiled at her and he stood up to greet her. Y/N squeezed Demetri's hand and stepped back so she was standing slightly behind him, something that didn't go unnoticed by either vampire. Demetri saw the look of hurt that flashed through his friend's eyes at Y/N's reaction. Felix made no attempt to get any closer to her despite the urge to hold her in his arms; to make her feel safe. Demetri looked over his shoulder at Y/N "I'm here. You're safe, I promise" He squeezed her hand gently "It's ok Demetri. I-I understand this is...difficult for her" Felix said low "She doesn't have to stay, if she doesn't want to" He added "Ok Fe. I'll take her back inside...we'll try again another time" Demetri replied "Come on, we can go to my room as I have the afternoon off." Demetri and Y/N made their way back to his room and sat on the sofa by the fireplace "I-I'm sorry" She said low "You don't need to apologise. It'll just take time and I'll be right here with you every step of the way. I promise Y/N" Demetri replied wrapping his arms around her gently to comfort her.

Meanwhile Felix had made his way back to his room and laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling thinking. He knew the moment he had looked into her eyes that she was his mate, he didn't need Marcus to tell him that. He felt drawn to her and he knew that he would love and protect her forever; that her happiness was all that mattered to him. He just had to find a way to show her that he wasn't the cruel mate she had been led to believe him to be.

Y/N woke up in Demetri's bed, having fallen asleep on his sofa "Morning Y/N sleep well?" Demetri asks from his desk "Morning, I did. Sorry for falling asleep in your room" She replies "No need to apologise, you're welcome to stay in my room or Heidi's whilst we sort you out a room of your own" Demetri responds "Thank you Demetri"

A few days later Y/N moved into her own room; it was not very big but it had a fireplace on the right-hand side of the room with a sofa in front of it, a double bed with a blue and silver duvet set on the wall opposite the fireplace. There was a window on the wall opposite the door and the door to the walk-in closet was opposite the window wall; the en-suite was accessible from the closet.

There was a knock on the door but when Y/N opened the door there was noone there; she looked down and saw a vase full of mixed lilies, a card was gently resting on the top:

'Some flowers to brighten up your new room. Felix'

A small smile crept on Y/N's face; unknown to her Felix and Demetri were watching from the other end of the corridor "See I told you flowers would make her smile Fe" Demetri said sounding a little smug "Yes you were right but one bouquet is not going to fix things D" Felix replies "True but it's a start" Demetri pats his friend on the back and makes his way to the throne room for guard duty.

That night Heidi comes and takes Y/N to the family room for movie night "Wow. This room is huge" Y/N says amazed at the huge TV, wall to wall bookcases full of DVDs and Blu-rays and the multiple sofas and chairs spread out around the room "Heidi. I've saved you and Y/N a seat" Demetri calls out from the L-shaped sofa; Heidi and Y/N start to make their way to where Demetri is sitting when Y/N notices Felix is sitting with him, Y/N sits down beside Demetri leaving Heidi to sit beside Felix "She really doesn't like me, does she?" Felix says low to Heidi "She's only been here about a week; you just need to give her time. It's a lot for her to deal with, she'll come round" Heidi replied low.

It was the twins' turn to pick the films and Jane's choice was a horror film that had Y/N burying her head into Demetri's shoulder whenever she got scared; Demetri's arm wrapping around her "You're ok, you can look now" He said low in her ear; Felix couldn't help feeling a little jealous watching his mate seek comfort from his friend "Demetri's just being a friend to her, that's all Felix" Heidi whispered "I know but it should be me she seeks comfort in, I am her mate after all" He whispers back "I'm sorry Fe" Demetri whispers as he notices his friend shifting beside him "It's fine. I'm glad she feels safe with one us at least" Felix replies too low for Y/N to hear. Alec puts on his choice of film next having chosen an action film.

A week later Y/N was in the library with Demetri and Heidi when Felix bursts through the doors causing her to jump "Oh" She gasped holding her hand over her heart "Sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to scare you" Felix apologises and she nods "So what you has you all worked up?" Heidi asks "The annual Carnival is town for a few days as of tomorrow and I think we should go" Felix replies "Sounds good Fe I'm in" Demetri smiles "And me" Heidi adds "What about you Y/N would you like to come with us?" Felix asks feeling a little anxious "" She stutters a reply "Come on Y/N it'll be fun. You'll even get to see Demetri and Felix compete with each other over who can 'win' the most games and stuff" Heidi says encouraging her "Er...yea ok...I'll come" Y/N replies looking at Heidi; missing the smile and thumbs up Demetri gives Felix.

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