Chapter 38

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My hands were handcuffed to the bar of the bathtub, as I laid there naked and covered in my own blood. Benji was furious when he found out I was having an abortion- the cramping and bleeding ruining his 'fun' plans.

'Are you done Princess?' Benji said, crouching down beside me, stroking my cheek and moving my hair out of my face. My tear filled eyes stared down at the bloody bath, with lumps and clots resting between my legs.

'Yes.' I cried, as Benji grinned, turning on the shower and drenching me in cold water. He washed the blood and sweat off of me and tried to wash the lumps down the drain, but the kiwi sized lump wasn't moving. 'Let me bury it?' I begged.

'What do I get out of it?' Benji smirked, stroking my cheek and kissing my neck. 'I'll tell you what, Princess. I'll let you put it in a shoebox and we'll send it to your boyfriend to bury.'

My heart ached at the thought of Logan receiving a package with our aborted foetus in it. Benji would be taunting them, rubbing it in how he had me captive and I didn't want to put him through that, but knowing Logan would be able to bury it was a closure I needed.

'Thank you.' I said as Benji started sucking on my neck, leaving me with hickeys.

'Stay here.' Benji said as he left the room, as if I wasn't handcuffed to the bath. He returned with a shoebox and a piece of cloth. He scooped up the foetus with the cloth and carelessly flung it into the box.

He left again for slightly longer this time, before returning with Cole, whose eyes lit up at seeing me so vulnerable.

'Damn, Ben are you sure we can't fuck her yet?' Cole said, unlocking my cuffs and lifting me out of the bath.

'Give her a day or two to recover first.' Benji replied, taking me into his arms. 'We can't break the Princess before we get to have our fun.'

'She can still suck my cock though right?' Cole said, pinched my nipple between his finger and thumb.

'Of course.' Benji said, pushing me onto my knees.

'No!' I cried, pushing them away, crawling away from them as best I could. 'I'm not doing that.'

'Yes, Princess, you are.' Benji said firmly, grabbing my arm with one hand and wrapping his other hand in my hair. One sharp tug ceased my struggling, as I cried out in pain. Benji pressed his foot down on my calf and Cole stood in front of me, his erection rubbing against my cheek.

'Open wide, beautiful.' Cole said, pumping himself slowly as he tried to push himself into my mouth. Benji stamped on my leg, causing me to scream out, and Cole saw his chance and took it. Benji gripped my head and forced me to accept Cole's thrusts in my mouth.

After Cole finished, forcing me to swallow, Benji had a turn, while Cole stood behind me and touched me, my tears spurring them on.

Benji gripped me by the arms before dragging me to a different room, filled with computer screens and cameras pointed at a strange contraption in the middle of the room.

'What is this?' I gasped, pulling out of his grip as hard as I could.

'Our play room, Princess. Our money maker.' Benji grinned as he gripped my wrist and dragged me to the contraption.

'Let me go!' I screamed, thrashing around trying to get away from my evil uncle. 'Please Benji!'

'Shh, Princess.' Benji said, locking each of my wrists into cuffs that dangled from the contraption. 'Save the begging for the camera.'

Cole walked in and set up the computer as Benji cuffed my ankles too. Benji stood back and admired me, hanging from the contraption, stark naked. He fiddled with some buttons and levers, which moved the cuffs I was trapped to, stretching and moving my arms and legs, spreading my legs at his will.

'So Princess, let's explain how this is going to work.' Benji said, circling me like a hungry vulture. 'We've been selling videos of you online for months, but we're running out of fresh material, so we're going to be doing a live stream of sorts. We charge people to watch, and they can make requests if they pay more.'

'Please don't do this.' I begged, as Cole switched on the camera.

'We're live.' Cole smirked, leaning back in his chair. He watched the screen, and grinned. '7 people watching your debut already, baby girl.'

'Please don't do this to me.' I cried. 'Please Uncle Benji, let me go! I won't tell anyone, just let me go.'

'Comments are saying how they love the begging.' Cole laughed.

'Shall we get started, Princess?' Benji smirked, picking up a small whip and running it over my trembling body. It trailed between my breasts and across my stomach before he suddenly lifted his arm and brought the whip down on me. Pain exploded across my stomach, the whip breaking my skin as I screamed out in agony.

'They love hearing her scream.' Cole commented, looking at the screen. 'Hit her harder.

'No! Please! Please don't. Uncle Benji.' I begged, tears streaming down my cheeks. The whip came crashing down again, this time on my thigh.

It lasted hours, the sadists in the comments giving Benji different ways to make me scream. None of it was sexual, just pure pain, they loved making me bleed.

After a while, I couldn't beg any more and I just cried as Benji hit me, over and over, bruising every inch of my body.

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