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When I got into my apartment after a long walk from Colton's place, I threw my purse into the living room and watched it bounce onto the couch. Since I left my cellphone on silent during weddings, I went into the back room, stretched out on my bed, and scrolled through my missed messages. There was only one, and it was from Tiana.

I read the text whilst untying my left shoe.

Hey Cass! :))) Having a pool party @ my parent's place 2night. See u @ 7!! 

I gave that a moment's thought. I really wasn't much of a party girl, and wearing a bikini at night around a bunch of drunk college guys seemed a bit risky for my general safety. However, I did need something to get my mind off of Colton, and Tiana's mansion was pretty huge, so if anything happened, I could just hide in one of its many empty rooms.

Deciding that the party would be a step up from lounging around all night watching chick flicks, I texted her back that I'd see her soon. It was only three thirty, so I figured I could squeeze in a couple movies before I got ready to leave.

                                                   -                                -                                   -

It was six-forty and I was in the bathroom brushing my long, brown hair. I hated it when pool water tangled it up, so I threw it into a messy bun and turned into my closet to find my swim suit. I stared at the two skimpy pieces of blue fabric for a good half minute before muttering what the heck and pulling them on. Then I slipped a casual white party dress over my head that kind of doubled as a cover-up, and then looked around for my white Converse. 

Once I was dressed, I grabbed my tote bag with a towel and phone in it, and sauntered back into the living room. Checking to make sure all my lights were out and that my camera battery was charging in the corner, I stepped out of the apartment and down the hall to the elevator. 

My old blue Crystler was parked in the underground lot, and it started up with a grumbling sound. It only took my twenty minutes to get to Tiana's place, so I was ten minutes late. Fashionably late.

As I rounded the corner to her four story mansion, I took in the massive expanse of cars parked around the street. Some of them were even smashing flowers in people's lawns. I could hear the loud pounding of music resonated from the backyard as I found an empty curbside and stepped out. The smell of alcohol and drugs hit me full force as I stepped up the long driveway and porch. I didn't recognize any of the puking college kids on the front lawn and slowly began to regret coming as I entered the house.

"Cassy!" Tiana's voice yelled over the noise of party music. "You made it." She pulled me into a tight hug.

I hugged back, glad that she found me so quickly. I was more or less alone at this thing. "Where did you find all these people?" I asked her teasingly, gazing around at all the grinding couples and half-naked single girls. There was even a group of guys playing beer pong.

"Um, those are UCLA kids," Tiana pointed to a crowd of rowdy blondes, "those guys are from a San Diego football team," She gestured to five or six buff looking, jersey-wearing dudes, "those colorfully-haired people are from the Art Institute, the skater punks are my brother's high school drop out friends, the guy wearing a thong is from Berkley, and anyone else- well, I guess a few of my guests invited a few others... and, y'know how it goes." She made a large gesture that indicated anyone that she'd missed.

I let out a half laugh half sigh, and smiled at Tiana. "Sounds like fun." 

She led me into the kitchen and pulled open her fridge. "Want a Coors?" She asked lightly, pulling out a six pack.

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