Chapter 7

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charlette's pov

well after our huge family hug and all i noticed 2 never before seen people i was about to walk to them when i relised i'm not wearing my mask i looked at dad and richard and noticed they too aren't wearing their masks so i guess the team found out so i went over to them.

"hi i'm" i looked at dad and he nodded

"well i'm charlette and who are you" i said

"I'm zatanna I'm only here for a visit" she said after a while of greetings and getting to know each other the adults left and it was just us so we decided to watch a movie after a while I got tired so I went to go rest for 30 minutes


I woke up to the sense something was wrong when I went to go investigate I was furious I saw m'gann and kaldur in cages made of fire and kid flash and superboy in a cage at the bottom of a lake and robin and Artemis in ropes along with zatanna only with a gag on her mouth when I saw this I was pissed and I looked for who did this when I was 3 red tornadoes I was crushed I trusted him then my pain turned to anger I was ready to kill

"YOU DO NOT HURT MY FAMILY AND GET AWAY WITH IT" I yelled and my eyes turned grey and created an air barrier against us and them and I pushed them all out of the cave and use just as much energy as my as I was allowed and made them leave then I saw Wally and Conner and robin in the water passed out and artimis,kaldur and m'gann passed and zatanna on the verge of passing out on ground so i used my powers and lifted all three of them out of the water and I turned my hair and eyes blue and I brought out the water from their lungs they we okay but asleep and I let m'gann and kaldur out of their fire cages just by touching it and I went to put them on the ground and I let artimis and zatanna out of the ropes and let them rest. I placed them all in the infurmary and waited with them because the justice leaugue  couldn't come as i watched them i remembered i could take away their pain so i went to robin and touched his hand i felt his pain around his arms and his lungs from the rope and water then he started to stir "what happened" he asked i told him the basic then i went to kaldur and meg and did the same thing with them and i went to wally and superboy and they woke up and i went to Artimis and zatanna and did the same thing then i fainted before i touched the ground i was in someones arms and they placed me the bed and told me to sleep so i did

Angel (a young justice fanfition) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now