My eyes open, the room I’m in is dim and eerie. I feel chills run through my back. I look around nobody to be found, where I’m I? A cold creepy hand lurks and touches the back of my shoulder. I don’t move, paralyzed. “What do you want” my voice stiff and rough. “Witch” the voice was familiar, then I knew it was the man in my other dreams. I knew it was a dream, but they all felt … so real. I could never see the face of the man in my dreams, he wore a red robe with fire on it, and he was tall. He gave me the chills, every time. I never had such dreams since the beginning of summer. Imagine, nightmares every day. Would you survive? What do they mean? I have no idea. I wake up every morning my heart beat fast, me trembling. “Witch” the voice grew. I took the freezing had and twisted it, making the man fall. I ran as fast as I could, but was it fast enough? The man barely stood up, I looked back my feet and hands shaking. His hands glowed, scratch that he composed fire from his hand and I knew exactly what he was going to do with the fire. He took his fire hands and pointed at me, fire headed my way. I couldn’t move, I tried to duck but it was like I was under a spell. The fire was a 4 centimeters away from my face. “Witch” the voice was so dark. 3 centimeters .Tears came down my face. 2 centimeters. “Liz” the word echoed. 1 centimeter. “Dad” my voice never so vulnerable.
“Lizzy are you ready, it’s your first day of school, you can’t be late.” My heart beats so fast, almost UN normal. “I’m up I swear” I said trying to catch my breath, wiping the tears down my face. “Are you okay” he asked concerned. “I’m fine” I said trying to act okay, with a fake smile. He smiled back and walked out, but thing was, I wasn’t okay.