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Bright lights blinded Tommy. He tried to get up to wipe the sleep out his eyes when the train of memories hit his head. Everything from the past night had resurfaced in his brain.
Well, almost everything.

He felt numb.

He didn't know crying more was possible until he did. His already puffed eyes just grew more red.

After a while, Tommy took a moment to look around. He was strapped to a white bed, unable to move his arms or legs. The room had bright fluorescent lights, and was completely empty besides the white bed, a white sink, the white lights, and the white walls. The room had a one sided window, but to Tommy it appeared to be a mirror. He was confused, but just shrugged it off.

"I'm too tired for this shit"

This statement gained some murmurs from outside the window.

How dare he act like that!
Who decided keeping a demon here was a good idea!
How evil.
Did you see how badly Gogy was injured?!

A creak was heard from the other side of the room.

"Hello. I'm Bad!"

Tommy just grew more confused.
"uhhh.. I'm good?"

Bad laughed. "No you muffinhead. My name is Bad! I'm here to ask you some questions."

Tommy nodded in compliance.

"Great! First, what do you remember from last night?"

...silence flooded the room...

A good 2 minutes had passed before Bad sighed. "I'll come back in half and hour"

Tommy didn't even look up as Bad left the room. He really didn't want to talk about the death of his best friend.

George POV
I woke up in a hospital bed with Dream
by my side. It was clear he had been crying.

I giggled which made Dream look up, his eyes sparkled like a happy puppy.

"GEORGE!" He launched himself on to me, accidentally hitting my wounds. I flinched trying to hide the excruciating pain.

"oops.. sorry" He muttered, barely above a whisper. I laughed, "It's fine."

Large stomps could be heard from the hallway. We both looked to the door as we heard frustrated screams from the other side.

"Sapnap." We both said simultaneously.

Dream got up and led him into the room. Sapnap was obviously tired but his eyes lit up as I waved to him with a small smile.

"good morning."

Soon hordes of people flooded my hospital room. They probably heard Sapnap and followed the noise. Dream looked at him with a face that read "This is because you're so loud."

The three of us laughed knowing that we were the only ones who could understand the joke. Dream took his mask from the hospital table, and handed me my goggles. He looked at me expectantly. As soon as I gave him the nod of approval, he picked me up bridal style and jumped out the window.

Not what I was expecting at all.

Sapnap followed behind us, grabbing our bags.

We ran through the hospital field, laughing nonstop, while avoiding the horde of people chasing us.

We could still hear the faint yells of news reporters trying to get the latest scoop.

George, Do you remember what happened last night?
How are you feeling?
What exactly happened?

The demon boy is being kept here, what will you do?

That last statement caught my attention. I signaled Dream to let me down, as I promptly turned around to face the timid reporter.
"where is the boy?"

Narrator POV
Tommy didn't know how many minutes had passed, but assumed Bad would be here any minute. He decided he was willing to talk to him for now, the sole reason being he was getting uncomfortable. The straps we digging into his wrists, and he had nothing to do. It was unbearable for a energetic boy like him.

Just as Tommy was getting lost in his thoughts, the door burst open.

"HOLY SHIT! you scared me! Has it been 30 minutes, Bad?"

"I'm not Bad."

Tommy struggled to turn his body around to look at the new man standing before him. He had dark brown hair, and wore a blue shirt with some questionably large goggles. His accent made it quite obvious he was British.

He was followed by a taller man, with blonde hair. He wore a green hoodie and a white mask which prevented Tommy from seeing any of his facial features. But the mask alone made Tommy scoff. It had an obnoxious smiley face, and nothing else. The last man had black hair. He wore a white band across his forehead, and a white T shirt with a cartoon fire pasted onto it.

To say the least, Tommy was extremely confused. First he woke up in a completely white room, then was greeted by a man named Bad, and now he was facing 3 completely crazy idiots.

The two behind the brunette Brit were acting like they just witnessed the stupidest thing they ever saw.

Are you out of your mind! He almost killed you!
Gogy, please we don't want you to get injured again.

But their words seemed to have no effect. The Brit started at Tommy before slowly taking off the restraints. This resulted in more complaints thrown at him.


George ignored their pleads and watched as Tommy slowly got up out of the bed, and faced him. "uh.. thanks!" Tommy showed a genuine smile which shocked the 3 friends.

George smiled back. "I'm George. Do you remember me? Maybe recognize my voice?"

Tommy gave a look of confusion. "uhh.. No, sorry. I've never seen you in my life." Tommy looked around at the 3 friends. They all shared looks of confusion and maybe a little guilt.

George muttered to himself. "Knew it." He signaled for his 2 friends to come closer and introduce themselves.

"I'm Dream."
"I'm Sapnap."

Tommy giggled. "Hi Dream and Sapnap! You guys have some funny names!"

The boy was pretty polite and happy, which caught everyone off guard. Is this the same boy who almost murdered George?

Tommy could tell the mood in the room was getting colder so he blurted out the first thing he thought of, in hopes to spark up a conversation.

"Hey George, why are you all bandaged up?"

At this statement Bad walked in. He looked at George, who gave a nod of understanding.

Everyone knew at that moment that Tommy was not a demon. He didn't remember anything from last night. He was just a normal teen with a little curse.

Bad jotted down some notes and walked out. The 3 friends followed.

Now Tommy was just that more confused. They all walked out without saying a word.

"What is going on with today?!"

Hey!!! Hoped you liked this chapter! I swear this is a SBI story, i just have to get the plot all settled lmao. Wilbur will appear soon and then Techno and Dadza.

thank you for being patient!

Edited (12/24/20)

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