Part 1

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Long time ago there were 2 girls named Skye Akame and Amanda Akame, Skye was the hated kid, why? Her skin color was brown ( ish ), her eye color was blue, would always wear croc tops and hanging around with bad kids, As for Amanda she was the favorite, Why? She had white skin, green eyes, would wear dresees and hanging out with girls. Skye is Bi but into girls and Amanda is also Bi but into guys, her parents were not happy for Skye of who she was attracted to, They would treat her like trash, Amanda cares about her but Skye doubt that. When they got older Skyes life got worse and Amandas lifes would always get perfect, Amanda was 13 and Skye was 19, Skye would always smoke and drink withour her parents knowing, one day later her parents found out that she was doing this things, her mother slapped her in the face and yelled at her for being an a black, useless, ugly, stupid and a disgrace child, as for Amanda she wasnt happy about what her parents were doing and ahe would yell at them for doing that to Skye, but they didnt understand.

Y/N: hey guys! This is a new backatory of my ocs, im gonna try my best to make 10 or 20 pages of this TwT. But i hope you guys enjoyed, Bye!!!! ( PS: Sorry if its short )

Skye and Amandas backstoryWhere stories live. Discover now