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Kitty Noir: HIYA GUYS! Okay so this is our first official chapter of Jumping Into Fandoms! Yay! So as I said here, me and Queenie here,

Queen Mari: Hi

Kitty Noir: -will be just randomly jumping into fandoms and just doing whatever with them. Smart! I know! Our first pick is Miraculous. *Snaps and poofs the Miraculous cast over*

Adrien: What is happening?

Marinette: Where am I? *notices Adrien and stares at him with an awkward smile and squeaks* Adrien

Alya: Calm down Marinette

Nino: Woah, this is cool

Chloe: *Checks her phone* I don't think my Daddy ever approved of this!

Kitty Noir: That's right! Cause we never asked him!

Luka: Who are you?

Kagami: And what are we doing here?

Kitty Noir: My name is Kitty Noir, y'all can call ma Kitty though, and that is my friend Queen Mari!

Queen Mari: Hi!

Kitty Noir: So the purpose of you guys being here is simple, we want to talk to you-Starting with Adrien! *Runs over to Adrien and poofs a chair and sits in it*

Adrien: Where am I supposed to sit?

Kitty Noir: *Points to a stack of books on the floor*

Adrien: ...there?

Queen Mari: Yup! Right there! What Kitty says goes...unless I override

Adrien: Can you get me a real chair?

Queen Mari: hmmmmmmmmmm...no

Adrien: -_- fine *Sits on a stack of books*

Kitty Noir: Thank you! So Adrien...do you...like Marinette?

Adrien: Of course I do!

Kitty Noir + Queen Mari: *Getting really excited*

Adrien: She's a really good friend!

Kitty Noir: No! NO! We are NOT doing that!

Queen Mari: *sniffles* why do you hate me

Adrien: I...I don't understand...

Kitty Noir: Yeah, clearly

Queen Mari: can we just go to the next question??? PLEASE!!!

Adrien: So is this an interview? *brushes his hands through his hair*

Kitty Noir: ...sure whatever

Queen Mari: *excited* can I touch your hair!!!

Adrian- ...sure...

Queen Mari:*touches hair* OMG!!! Its sooooo sofffftttt

Kitty Noir: the next question, please

Queen Mari: *pulls out flashcards* The next question is do you or do you not have feelings for ladybug

Adrien: ...Yes...


Adrien: I told you She's a very good-

Kitty Noir: *Slap*

Adrien: OW! What was that for!?

Kitty Noir: For friend zoning your future wife!

Adrien: What?

Marinette: w-what???

Queen Mari: yea you have three kids and a hamster*shows photo* friend zone her again and you'll never see ladybug again literally she might marry Luka or worst Nathaniel!!!

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