Pt 67

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The next day
You woke up by Mattia kissing you
Y/n: what Mattia
Mat: nothing
Y/n: good morning
Then Matteo woke up
Mat: good morning baby
Matteo started crying you grabbed him
Y/n: good morning baby
You gave Matteo to Mattia
You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth
Then Mattia gaved you Matteo and went to brush hi teeth Elle and Stormi came to your room
Elle: good morning mommy
Y/n: good morning princess
Stormi: good morning mommy
Y/n: good morning Princess girls let's go brush your teeth
Mattia walked out of the bathroom
Elle: good morning daddy
Mat: good morning baby
Stormi:good morning Daddy
Mat: good morning baby
Y/n: babe can you grab Matteo
Mat: yeah
You brushed the girls teeth Made breakfast
you were eating with Matteo in your lap
(By the way Matteo can sit because he is 5 months old) Matteo grabbed His bottle and started to drink his bottle
Y/n: I am going out can you take cafe of the kids
Mat:I- yeah I will take them with me to work
Y/n: I will pick them up
Mat: yeah I am leaving in less than a hour
Y/n: Ok
Then a guard came in
Guard: sir you have a visit
Mat: who is it
Guard: your family
Mat: fuck ... let them in
You walked upstairs showered the girls

You left us  Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now