Chapter 15

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As they went inside, Poppy was curious On who was this 'she' who guards Afton in hell

"Okay guys, She has to be Here somewhere!"
Puppet Gestured

The animatronics Looked around

Phone guy Floated around too

Poppy Began to look around, 'til she Saw Golden Dust Flying around and Forming up itself

(Honestly I dont know Why this animation Wont Load but I Swear to gosh that this is a short animation

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(Honestly I dont know Why this animation Wont Load but I Swear to gosh that this is a short animation

The Yellow Dust Transformed itself Into Golden Freddy

Poppy Gasped

"Oh, Finally There you are!"
Puppet sighed in Relief

Freddy Was about to jumpscare Her

Golden Tilted her head

Chica Gestured

"Afton, Get away? OHHHHHHHH that hehe, Well...I did let him"
Goldie replied

Everyone Gasped Dramatically

"B-but, Why did you?"
Puppet Asked

Goldie Sighed
"Well....There has been..Some.....Issues"

"What Issues?"
Poppy Added

Goldie Took a Little look at Poppy
"Wait A Minute....Do I Know you?"

"Uhmmmm....Pretty sure you don't, But....I'm guessing Your gonna Tell me that I used to look like you.."
Poppy tapped her Fingers

Goldie Stood still

Enter Cricket sounds here.

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh I know you! Your the Little pink pooch that
RWQFSFASXC Brought in!"
Goldie said

"Who now?"
Poppy Got confuzzled

"You Got sent here by me! And the blackberry Bunny Was the one who Delivered you here, OF COURSE!"
Goldie Face palmed

The other Animatronics Stood still

"Wait wait wait wait wait Hold up, You Sent me?"
Poppy Said

"Yeah! And you know why?"
Golden freddy said

Poppy shook her head

"Its because you are our key to Freedom!"
Goldie gestured

Poppy Felt her Chest

"Yes, The reason why your here, is Because you Have the Only way to get rid of Purple guy Once and for all"
Goldie Pointed at her

Puppet Cut the Conversation
"Wait stop! How does this Have any connection with you letting him out?"

"Well......He told me that, If I won't let him out, We all die, Y'know why?"
Goldie smacked the desk

Everyone shrugged

"Because......He's a Glitch remember? So if he's gone, The whole place Will turn into a glitch too, So the only way to Defeat him is Poppy!"

Everyone Gasped

Chica Held her chest
"But how Come you never told us anything about this?"

Goldie Sighed
"Uhmm.....Well......I Didn't want you guys to worry..."

Poppy stood up to her

Hey Goldie! It's okay for you to tell them! They are your friends! It's their Job to Worry!"

Goldie smiled at that

Everyone else Murmured, Agreeing

Goldie Looked at Poppy, And Had a Confident face
"Okay Guys! Why don't we take him down Together?"

Everybody yelled


When they all Got back to the Restaurant, All the animatronics were murmuring Silently as they Noticed Poppy arriving

Poppy Looked around and Tilted her head
"Uhhh What's going on?"

"I don't know.."
Chica Shrugged

"Okay, Okay, Guys What's going on!"
Puppet asked Around

"Uhhh, Well..."
Whithered Freddy Began to speek

Puppet Raised her eyebrow With sass

W. Freddy Backed away Showing Branch, Barb, And Prince D With Vanny Looking for Poppy

Poppy gasped And Widden Her eyes

The Trolls turned their Heads at Poppy and Gasped too

They ran into eachother and Hugged

Poppy Hugged them tightly

"Yeah, Me too!"
Branch said

Prince D Said

Barb said

They all Parted away

Branch Looked around, And saw all the other Animatronics
"Uhh Poppy?"

He began to hide Behind Her

"Relax Branch! They are my Friends!"
Poppy gestured

Toy Chica Ran infront
"Well Hello Hot Stuff~"

"I feel so Insecure..."
Branch Hid Again

"Alright, Alright...Animatronics, These are the Trolls, and Trolls, These are the Animatronics!"
Poppy Introduced

"Woah...You are so Hard!"
Barb Tapped Mangle's Metal Skin

"And your so Soft!"
Mangle Ruffled Barb's Mohawk

"Uhmm Sooooooo It's really Nice to Know Ya'll, But We Still have to Plan out on how We can Defeat Glitchtrap!"
Chica Said

"Oh yeah..."
Poppy Slowly rubbed her Chin

"What are they Talking about Poppy?"
Branch Asked

Poppy sighed
"Guys, Follow me, I'll Tell you..."
Poppy Led them to the office

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