XII - The Slug Club Christmas Party

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(a/n: To enhance your reading experience, I'd recommend listening to this song during part of this chapter, you'll know when to hit play)

Before long, Winter had settled itself in at Hogwarts. Snow flurries and frost became regular occurences on the grounds, as did rosey cheeks, chapped lips, and cold hands.

Madam Pomfrey had fixed Draco's nose in a matter of minutes, but the words Pansy said about his cologne were still sticking with him. When she sniffed the Amortentia, did she smell... him? And what about what he smelled? He could've sworn he caught a whiff of her little red car...

He was not looking forward to the Christmas party (which he wasn't even invited to), where things would inevitably go down between Theo and Pansy, nor was he looking forward to the day when he'd have to go home to his family again this year. 

Happy fucking holidays, he thought to himself constantly.

"Hurry up, we're going to be late to the party!" shouted Theo irritatedly into the girls' dorm a few weeks later as he paced back and forth.

"Just a minute, cool your jets!" Pansy screeched back from the other room.

It was the evening of Slughorn's party, and Theo was waiting in the common room for her to get ready while Blaise was reading a book by the fire and Draco was attempting to build a tower out of  Exploding Snap cards.

"Dammit, she should've been ready ages ago!" Theo cursed as he continued to pace.

"Aw, that's no way to talk to a lady," smirked Blaise.

"Whatever," scoffed Theo. "You two aren't even going!"

"Yes, I know. You've only mentioned it a couple thousand times," Blaise responded, rolling his eyes and going back to his book. 

"Alright, let's get a move on."

Draco looked up to see Pansy strutting into the common room in a sequined black cocktail dress that made his breath hitch. The house of cards he'd been working on spontaneously exploded and fell to the ground. He couldn't help but stare at her.

She gave her date a quick peck on the cheek and stared Draco right in the eye, and he grinned.

"Are you just going to sit there and gawk?" she said.


"Well stop it," she smirked. "You look stupid." 

He quickly diverted his gaze. "You know, I haven't seen-"

"Damn, girl!" Theo interrupted with a lustful glint in his eye. "You look amazing," he said as his arm slithered around her waist like a snake, coming to rest on her hip bone.

Draco could feel the burn of jealousy rising in him, but he did his best to push it down. "You're a lucky man, my man," he said as casually as he could.

"You got that right," Pansy agreed as she swished her short hair arrogantly. "We're gonna head out. See you losers tomorrow."

"Bye," Draco smiled sadly as he turned back to his pile of cards.

It was quiet for a bit, until Blaise spoke up. "Do you like... have a thing  for her or something?" he said out of nowhere.


"You smile like an idiot whenever you talk to her."

"Shut up, she's my best friend!" Draco said defensively. "Nothing's changed!" 

"Merlin, Draco." Blaise said, shaking his head. 

"But... even if it was true! She's with Theo, and there's nothing we can do about that." Draco said as he stood up and kicked at the cards on the floor. 

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