Chapter 2

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Brooklyn's POV

I woke up feeling like I was out of breath. I tried taking in deep breaths but it wasn't helping. A quick glance at the clock told me it was just pass eleven. I took another breath in and tried to relax. Turning on the side lamp, I looked over to Bailey but she was not in her bed. Maybe she was still out. I took another breath in could practically hear my wheezes. I had had allergic attacks before but this somehow seemed to be different. My chest was starting to hurt so bad. Phone. I reached for phone but my hand kept shaking and it fell to the floor. I untangled myself from the blanket and it seemed it was taking forever. And somehow I tripped and went sprawling to the floor. Just then the door of the room opened.

Bailey's POV
I was sitting downstairs watching a movie with Asa. We were supposed to go out for movies but the one we had wanted to watch had been sold out so we had decided to return and watch something at home. I had gone upto the room earlier to check on Brooklyn and saw that she was sleeping and had decided against waking her. She needed her rest after the day she had had today. About half an hour ago my family had retired to their bedrooms leaving the two of us alone to complete the movie. I was snuggled in with Asa when my phone rang. I frowned to see that it was Brooklyn. I answered the call but all I could hear was deep breathing and fumbling and then I heard a thud. I got up and ran up the stairs to see if everything was okay, Asa following behind me. I opened the door to find Brooklyn on the floor. I ran to her, at the same time screaming for my parents.
"Its okay baby, I am here. Tell me what's wrong."
"Can't...breath...chest...hurts," she said between breaths.
"Bailey, what happened?" My mom asked as she came into the room followed by my dad.
"Brooklyn..." I started to say but my mum was already telling my dad to call the ambulance and was kneeling beside her, trying to get her in a position to get her to breath better.

Mindy's POV
Shaun and I were discussing the plans for the next day when I heard Bailey scream. I got out of my bed and ran to their room as fast as I could. As soon as I entered the room, my eyes started assessing the situation. Brooklyn was on the floor trying her best to get in breaths. "Shaun, call the ambulance," I said as I made my way to my daughter. I got her to a sitting position and leaned her back on me in a semi sitting position. "Breath, honey. Just keep on taking your breath okay. The ambulance will be here soon." I had checked on her before I had gone to bed and she had been sleeping soundly. I tried to think again if there was anything I had missed.
"Mom," she said in a small voice, her hand gripping my hand as a life line. I saw the look of fear on her face and continued to whisper soothing in her ears. Kamri and Rylan also joined us. "Rylan, check on the little ones and see that they are in bed. They will get scared if they see their sister like this. Bailey grab the essentials."

Shaun's POV
I followed behind my wife to the twins room, worried. But I never had been prepared for such a sight. My daughter lay on bedroom floor, trying to breath, sweat covered her forehead. This was not good. I wanted to grab and go to the hospital but I heard my wife telling me to call an ambulance. I had wanted to argue but she had turned her attention back to Brooklyn, trying to get her in a mor comfortable position. By the time I finished the call to the ambulance I realized that Mindy was probably right to call the ambulance. They would have things to help his daughter. On my way back to the room I could hear my wife giving instructions to the older children in the house. I was a very lucky man. I entered the room to see Brooklyn leaning against her mothers chest, struggling to take breaths. A minute later, I heard the ambulance. "Kamri, that's the paramedic, go and bring them up here."

Kamri's POV
I looked at my mother and sister as they tried to help Brooklyn. Dad returned letting them know that the ambulance was on it's way. At the mention of an ambulance, I frowned, finally realizing that my sister was probably in more trouble then I thought. I heard the sound of the ambulance getting near and near and then dad sent me to get them in.I waited, the door wide open to let them through and then showed them up to the twins room. I let them enter the room. My mum had by now cleared a space so they could work.
"Brooklyn, help is here honey," she heard her mother reassure her daughter. I watched as Bailey and mom told them everything. I frowned more. No one had told me that my sister had passed out during her match earlier today. Brooklyn had just told that me that her allergies were acting up again today and she was going to be fine. But instead, here she was, now being loaded in a stretcher to be taken to the hospital.

Bailey's POV
Mom and I both accompanied Brooklyn to the hospital in the ambulance while dad and Asa followed behind in the car. Mom had asked Kamri to stay behind and watch over the rest of the kids. I knew that Kamri had wanted to come. She was also very close to Brooklyn but she had agreed knowing that her mom was the best person to take care of her sister. I had promised I would call and update her. I glanced at my sister again, noticing the swelling of her face. To say that I was scared would be an understatement. I was terrified. I knew Brooklyn was allergic to a ton of things and she had seen most of it but this had been different. Was there something else that was wrong? I said a silent prayer. I felt her grip tighten on my hand. "Hold on baby, we are about to reach the hospital." She nodded slightly.
"Its going to be okay, honey," my mum said, stroking her hair gently.

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