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It was another exhausting day of highschool and you sighed while walking with your best friend Beomgyu

"We have a test today.." Taehyun started "..and I didn't get sleep"

"Sounds like a you problem" Beomgyu stated while Taehyun lightly hit his arm

They walked in school and got to their classes

Taehyun has a handsome teacher

Taehyun has a handsome teacher

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Mr. Lee Minho
(Mr. Lee)


Taehyun heard other girls fangirl over there teacher, I'm disgusted at the sight of girls thinking there teacher is cute

But he was cute, that may sound weird coming from me, but I'm gay

The teacher decided to take role as his voice was soft and a little in the middle

"..Kang Taehyun.."

"Over here" I said

He looked at me for a while as his face softened

"I'll tell you a bit about myself" Mr. Lee started "I actually graduated 2 years ago, I turn 20 in 3 months, and my name is Lee Minho" he said

The whole room gasped as he was so young and handsome any girl could date him cause he is around our age

"Now I will be handing out a test to see what you guys know so i can get this straight"

"But before I do I would like you to tell me about yourselves?" Mr. Lee stated

"Lets start from the back"

"Hi I'm Choi Yeonjun, my boyfriend is Soobin sitting with the blue hair over their, my favorite food is food"

"Hi I'm Taehyun (and I want to be your sweetheart..jk lol) I am...gay, my favorite color is red" Taehyun said, obviously his favorite color is red

His hair was red too

And so on people told a bit about themsleves

Then the test got passed out

"Please do good on this and try your best" Mr. Lee said with a bright smile

"And don't worry since I'm technically still a teenager I dont know how to act like an adult, so there won't be no annoying teacher for you guys this year"

The class cheered

"If you do good on thus test, I will treat everyone to pizza"

Taehyun has always been top student and the test looked easy so he knew he would get all of them right


The day went on and before I knew it the bell has woke me up and rang

"..omygod, why didnt anyone wake me up.." I said

Nobody answered me but when people started to pile outside Mr. Lee said

"Becuase you looked comfortable and..nevermind"

(AN:) this chapter is so short becuase I lost my tooth by eating a cheestick, soudns childish but I still have lots of baby teath lol

Will Taehyun start to develope feeling for his teacher Mr. Lee?

Word count: 463

Wow thats short lol

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