Chapter Ten: Thanksgiving Feast

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    We gathered our things and headed out the door, jumping in the car. I flicked on the radio and checked the time.

    "They should be there any minute.", I said nervously. "Sorry for making us late."

    "Nah, I'm the one who ran to your house.", Mark replied, putting on a pair of sunglasses I had lying in the console. "If you knew my friends, you knew they'd be late. They're just like me."

    "So, you never told me their names."

    "Let's see, there's Bob, Wade, Ethan, and Tyler. I've known Bob, Wade, and Tyler for a long while now." He paused trying to remember. "And then Ethan I met at a panel a few years ago."

    "A panel, huh. Never been to one of those."

    "Oh yeah, they're crazy. I don't know, I'm not much of a crowd guy. I'm literally always so tired after one of those conventions."

    "Well, I guess you'll have to take me to your next one.", I smirked.

    He raised an eyebrow. "Good luck trying to get through crowds of pre-teens with me!"

I laughed it off. I nodded my head along to the music as we pulled into Mark's apartment complex. We climbed the stairs and Mark unlocked the door, both of us entering.

"Great, they're not here yet.", Mark said, running his fingers through his hair and placing my sunglasses on his head. He turned to me and smirked.

I smiled back and looked at the floor. "Well then, we have a moment alone."

Mark came over to me and suddenly dropped down, wrapping his arms around my thighs and hoisting me up onto the counter.

"AH! Mark!!", I squealed, laughing. He gently placed me on top and pulled me in for a kiss, holding the back of my head. I leaned in.

The glasses on Mark's head came toppling down onto mine. I pulled away startled and we both started laughing. Mark set them aside and continued. I brought my hands down to his shirt line and lifted it up a little. I felt his abs and realized how ripped he was. I guess I never stopped to notice until now.

He reached his hand that was behind my head down to my own shirt tail and once again slid it up to my shoulder blade. I pulled away from the kiss. He paused.

"What's wrong?", he mumbled.

"Your friends are going to be here.", I sighed. "I just don't want to get too... frazzled."

Mark giggled. "...frazzled?"

"Well, you know.", I hit him on the arm. "Frazzled."

Mark smiled and turned his head sideways, kissing down my neck. He brushed my hair aside and started kissing my shoulder.

"Mark...", I whined. "You know we can't do anything now."

"I... I know.", he stopped. "Alright, alright. I gotta take a shower real quick anyway." He paused. "A cold one."

I laughed. "Sorry!"

"Not your fault. It's mine.", he looked down. "Try not to get... frazzled.", he smirked.

I blushed as he walked into the bathroom.

I plopped down on his couch and turned on his TV, to realize he didn't have cable (another thing my parents insisted on paying for, for me, so I could keep up with the news). I turned on his Xbox to see what was new on Youtube. The first video was from a guy called jacksepticeye... a gameplay highlight reel of Happy Wheels. No idea what that means, but sure, I thought, and clicked on the video.

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