This is the story about a group of clones who neve went along with order 66 but instead of an alternative order called order 65 the termination of the Imperial clones and sith, and now 14 years later the Galactic Empire and the Rebellion are fightin...
I was waking up with a terrible pain in my head, when i was coming to i heard a voice coming from in front of me.
???: Are you going to allow yourself to be destroyed.
I looked up to see my captor and the inquisitor the rebellion has been looking for for three years now.
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(yes it's Starkiller)
Starkiller: I will kill you right now if i could but my master want talk with you more later but until then i will have to..................on second thought I'm more powerful than my master so i can kill him with ease.
I saw him ignite his lightsaber and hold it above his head.
Starkiller: I can't imagine what it's going to be like being emper-
I saw a black blade go through his side and a shadow figure standing behind him.
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???: It's over Empire scum.
Kanan's POV
I then pulled out Rex's black blade and when i turn to see who he was talking to i saw it was Ahsoka tide up.
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I then noticed the sounds of foots steps coming and i heard the voiced of the stormtroopers coming this way.
Stormtrooper 1: Find the intruder and kill him on site.
I then acted fast i knocked out Ahsoka and called in for Rex.
I was standing on the bridge of my Starsaver when i got a call so i grabbed it and opened up the hologram showing captain Rex.
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Y/N: Captain Rex what a great pleasurer of hearing from you.
Rex: Commander L/N i need help, please i got a problem here at Hoth.
Y/N: We will be there as quick as we can.
Rex: Thank you old friend.
Y/N:.......Your welcome.
I then hung up and i had my fleet to began our attack on the empire base Rex was at.
Kanan's POV
I was running away with Ahsoka still in my arms and i was so close to the exit of the Hoth empire base when all of a sudden i was caught by a Empire soldier and i was then cornered and i couldn't contact Rex now.
Stormtrooper 1: On you hands and knees rebel scum.
I looked at my surroundings and i saw there was nowhere i could get to or go to get Ahsoka and myself to safety in time before being killed by a bolt so i did the only thing i could do now, surrender. When all of a sudden i heard a commander of the star destroyer fleet start talking into his radio.
Commander: Unknown star destroyer you are in a restricted area turn around and go back to your port.
I looked up to see a star destroyer and then something came out of the bottom and started falling and then i heard a whistle coming from the sky.
After that i grabbed Ahsoka and began to run away while the stormtroopers began to go and see what had happened, when i got far away enough i noticed Ahsoka started to wake up and i got her untied and took the gag out of her mouth.
Ahsoka: Kanan, what happened?
Kanan: I came to save you but then we got caught but then out off nowhere a star destroyer came and-
Ahsoka: What's happening?
Kanan: I don't know but i don't want to find out what is going on.
Then all of a sudden an AT AT came out of the darkness and i got Ahsoka but when we got backed into a corner the AT AT stopped and a door opened on the side and a ladder was paced down to us then Rex came to the door.
Rex: Get in.
As I helped Ahsoka into the AT AT I looked up to see a star destroyer heading our way and then it landed as i got in the AT AT it started to move forward but then i felt a sting in my neck and then i passed out.