Going Back

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Sean had gotten changed and made a bag of things he thought he might need. Extra clothes, some snacks, a bottle of water and a book. A book he was given by Jackie when he first appeared. It explained the egos and Sam and Sean's 'Creator powers', which was only really the ability to change the egos appearances. For example, how tall they were

"Going somewhere?" A voice asked at the door, Eveline stood watching him curiously.

"Uh...Yeah. The egos want me to head out for them. I dont really know how long I'll be gone for" Sean told her

"Where?" Eveline asked.

"Its uh....Hard to explain" Sean mumbled

"What's happening?" Eveline asked, worry in her voice.

Sean gave a sigh and looked at her. "They...Uh...Want me to go back in time" He told her

"What?" She questioned softly before chuckling nervously "Is that even possible?"

"Schneep and Marvin made a machine.." Sean told her. "Look, it sounds silly but if i dont do this...Their life and maybe even mine could be in danger"

"Why can't one of them go?" She asked witb concern.

"Schneep and Marvin said it's because they didn't physically exist. Their from my head. If something happened to me back then as they're there. They could vanish for good" He told her

"Oh..." Eveline mumbled "What do you need to do??"

"Just go back, get a book that was stolen from Marvin and tell myself to hide from some time travelers" Sean told her.

"Is it safe?" She asked, Worried.

"I...Uh...Yes?" Sean gave an awkward smile.

"Sean! You dont know?!" Eveline yelled

"Well..I'm sure it's safe. Schneep, Marvin and the others will keep me safe" Sean said, walking to her.

"Im just worried is all. Time travel?? Sean, What if something happens to you?" Eveline asked in small voice.

"If i don't do this, something might. These time travelers Marvin spoke about are after me in the past" Sean told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Something about them not liking the egos. If they manage to scare me into not making them, they won't exist and I'm scared if them scaring doesn't work they'll try another way" Sean told her.

"Well....Why can't i do it?" She asked.

"What?" Sean questioned in shock.

"Why don't i go back?" She asked "Surely if there's two of you. They'll hunt the two of you or if you see yourself, won't something happen?"

"It has to be Sean" A voice said from the door. Marvin stood there. "Eveline. You play a big part in Jack's life right now. If he meets you back then, it could disturb something in time. Jack is the only one who can do it. As long as it isn't mentioned he's from the future, nothing will happen"

"and what if past Sean finds out?" Eveline asked.

"Time is a werid thing. If past Jack finds out nothing will happen but if it's talking about something will happen. Im not sure why but that's how it is" Marvin told her. "We're ready downstairs when you are, Jack"

Sean nodded. "You can come see if you'd like" He smiled.

Sean followed Marvin with Eveline downstairs. Schneep flicking some switches.

"Jack. You ready?" Jackie asked excited

"As I'll ever be i guess" Sean muttered

"That's good. Cause this is it" Schneep spoke as he pressed a button, the machine turning on to a purple and green portal looking spiral.

Sam floated over to him and sat on Sean's shoulder. "Sam. You need to stay here" He said.

Sam gave a worried squeak as Eveline walked over and gently took them off of Sean and gently helt them.

"I'll be fine" He said to both of them

"Jack." Sean turned and saw Schneep handing him a small black object. "One of Jackie's ear pieces. We'll be able to hear and see what you do"

Sean put it on before looking at the machine. "Anti. Don't try anything. Keep an eye on him, Jackie" He smiled.

"Im not gon-"

"Sure thing, Jackaroony!" Jackie smiled before pinning down Anti, who yelped.

"Get off me, you little shit!!!" He yelled

"Eveline can you keep an eye on all of them for me? Just until i get back" Sean smiled at her.

She smiled back before giving him a kiss. Sean then gave Sam a small pet.

He turned to face the portal. With a deep breath, he head towards it.

Sean covered his face as he walked through it. The portal rippling as he did.

Schneep immediately went to a desk filled with screens and looked through everything

Sam, who lay in Eveline's arms, began to shake as they stared at the portal.

Eveline looked at them. "I'm sure he's fine-"

She was cut off when then small eye flew extremely fast to the portal.

"Sam!!" Eveline yelled, causing the egos to look right when Sam flew into it.

The portal began sparking before closing over. It then let off a small explosion causing the people in the room to fall over

"What happened?!" Chase yelled.

"Sam went through" Eveline told them. "Sorry. It took me by surprise"

"It's alright. The machine just got over loaded and closed. It was only made for one thing to go through it. It might take me a while to fix it though. Jack will be stuck there for a while..." Schneep told them

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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