Steve Mazer - Introduction

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Steve Mazer is a highly organized, collaborative, and conscientious professional with substantial experience directing the development and execution of projects, policies, and procedures.

Steve Mazer was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and moved to Columbus, Ohio when he was around 4 years old. He still remain a big Steelers, Penguins and Pirates fan.

Steve Mazer was lucky enough to meet one of the greatest athletes of all time. That athlete being the two- sport star, Bo Jackson. Bo Jackson was looking to build one of his training facilities in the area and liked what he saw in the city of Hilliard.

In 1985, Steve Mazer started his employment career working for the State of Ohio in the motor fuel tax unit. It was interesting and afforded him the opportunity to learn about the various businesses that use fuels in an abundant of different manners.

Steve Mazer was approached by the mayor of a small town in central Ohio to become the Director of Recreation and Parks. The mayor felt with his management experience he could turn the department around and make it a valuable asset to the community.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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