Chapter 25

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I sip on my coffee, leaning over the island as I try to keep my mind off Jayden.

Yesterday, after I told him everything, I knew there will be a greater chance of him refusing to talk to me regarding the past ever again. And as much as I hate to admit it and throw a tantrum about it, I understand.

I would be hurt too if I got to know that the love of my life believed that I had made an elaborate plan to kill him.

"Are you okay?"

Articus's voice snaps me out as he turns the stove off, transferring the pancakes on another plate before he takes a cup of coffee and takes a seat across me.

"Should I be?"

I raise an eyebrow at him.

For a man in his mid forties, Articus is rather handsome. Something that is not ignored by ladies, no matter where he goes. And the intelligent aura that he has often makes people assume him to be a professor or scientist.

"Not really. But do tell me Ashy, what exactly are you feeling?"

I roll my eyes at the man in front of me. I now understand where Chris has learnt from. The way this man has a play with words, I can be telling him of my emotions and he will find something to get back at me from it.

"I don't know. I honestly expected him to be angry and hurt. Lash out maybe. But I didn't expect him to be gone immediately after that. I had planned to tell him about day first, and maybe when he has calmed down, I would have told him about me being in touch with Chris but he brought me here and everything just spun out from there."

I bang my cup on the island as I straighten up and start pacing.

"And now Chris has bruises all over him and a broken nose. Jayden is nowhere to be seen. I wasn't able to talk to Willow and Blake because I was so distracted, so I am pretty sure they are suspicious. And I have no ide-"

"You do realise you are more worried about Jayden, his feelings and well being than the fact that you can find about who exactly has been the one to make you a price target? That says a whole lot about your feelings Ashy."

He stands up as well, taking my cup with him as he goes off to the sink, "Go visit Chris. He is better now, and he is ready to tell you about some of the things that we found. I made a call to Jayden too. He is coming back as well."

Refusing to reply to this man, I turn around and leave the kitchen, making my way up the side stair to the first floor. Walking to his room, I let myself mull over what Articus has said to me.

I knock on Christopher's door before opening it, peeking inside to see him lying down on his bed.

I bite my lower lip as I enter, walking over to him as he sits up. He gives me a smile, wincing when his arms stretches to tap the mattress, indicating me to sit next to him.

Complying, I sit next to him.

We stay sitting next to each other in silence before he breaks it, "How bad did he take it?"

"Bad bad? I feel so stupid now. You, Articus... Everyone told me he can't do that yet I stubbornly refused to believe it. I just don't understand why."

"It's kind of simple, Ash." He turns to face me, his face swollen from his fight, as well as two small band aids holding together the few scratches on his cheeks. "You were in denial. The alternative, him not doing something and someone else being out there who is ready to so much to see you die for real, was a lot scarier than the reality you could see."

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