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Lisa's first day goes awkwardly and uncomfortably she just sat in her room whole day and jungkook...he was gone well lisa don't care and it's his work....lisa was thankful that he was not in the house....

Today lisa wear this...

Today lisa wear this

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Well bought this but never wear this so she suddenly want to wear this....

She walk outside suddenly her phone buzz she look at the screen and saw a message from unknown number and it says it's my number save it if somethings call me on this number...
Then next message come it says don't be confuse it's me jungkook....oh so it's jungkook.....

She save that number with the name 'monster'....she walk towards dining room and saw a unknown man standing at the counter of kitchen talking to the maid no shouting at her actually.....

She walk upto him...

"um who are you mister? Why are you shouting at maria?",lisa asked folding her hamds on her chest....

That look lisa top to bottom then at the maid and show her eyes...lisa saw that but didn't say anything....

"umm mrs. Jeon i am mingyu master sent me here to check on protection cause jangwon is on leave",mingyu said smiling at lisa....

"why were you shouting at maria?",lisa asked....

"oh that i was not shouting i was just telling her to make food with full concetration right maria",mingyu said looking at maria...maria nodded lisa nodded....

"ok then maria is breakfast ready",lisa asked smiling at maria...maria nodded and serve lisa her breakfast....lisa sat on the chair.....

'well looks like jungkook is not here also today', lisa thought....

Lisa ate her food and walk towards her room she feels like someone is looking at her or following her but she then thought maybe some bodyguard is roaming here and there.

As lisa was about to open the room of her door someone close her mouth and open the door, pinned her to the wall and lock the door in this process lisa was so startled that she didn't able to take any action.....

Lisa look at the person and saw it's none other than.....mingyu,,,,lisa's eyes widen she tried to release herself but he was pinning her with so much force that her wrists started hurting...

"you know lisa i tried to control myself but your beauty and your body pulls me itself now tell me what can i do nothing? what i am going to do with you,,don't tell any of it to mr. Jeon ok you will have fun baby",mingyu said looking at lisa with lustful eyes lisa tried to free herself her tears started to fall....

'no i don't want let this happen, no i will not let this happen',lisa thought....

Mingyu traced his finger down to lisa's face to her lips...he caress her lip with his finger....enough....lisa kick her legs to mingyu's leg..,,he groaned in pain and leave lisa...lisa open the door and ran to get help....

"h-help me",lisa ran towards the main living room.....

As she was running she bump into a hard chest lisa look up and she saw jungkook looking at her confused....

"why are you running like this? Are you practising for a marathon race",jungkook ask....

" me",lisa said looking backwards checking if mingyu was coming or not and saw him coming towards her and jungkook...lisa hid behind jungkook....

"oh boss you are here..what happened mrs. Jeon why are you running from me like this",mingyu said acting like he didn't do anything....

"shut up...jungkook believe me he was about to..rape me",lisa said as she started crying jungkook look at mingyu eyes widen....mingyu look at lisa angrily....

"mam what are you saying? Boss i didn't do anything...why will i do this i don't wanna die i am not dumb you believe me right i am loyal",mingyu said confidently....

"j-jungkook he is lying..why would i lie..why would a girl lie about this",lisa said still crying....

"lisa mingyu is loyal to me", jungkook said lisa look at him shocked and mingyu smirk at lisa....

Lisa wipe her tears but it didn't help more tears fall like rain...

"i am dumb why would i even think you will believe me i am nothing to you wow lisa how could you even think that huh",lisa said looking at mingyu and jungkook with hate eyes...

Lisa went back to her room still crying that no one in this world love her and believe her not even her own parents....

Lisa lock herself inside her room and cry away all of her pain...

Mingyu smirk at the thought tha tjungkook believe him instead of his own wife....

Jungkook look at mingyu,..mingyu look at jungkook...jungkook sigh and take out his gun and shot mingyu in his head without any hesitation...mingyu's body fall on the floor making a thud voice jungkook ordered one of his guard to take his body out and clean the floor which is now a river of blood....

Jungkook walk towards his and also lisa's room to check on lisa....well he feels bad for her nothing else is what he thinks....

Jungkook tried to open the door but door didn't open he took out emergency key and open the door and saw lisa sleeping...her dry tears on her cheeks....

He sigh and caress lisa's cheek and leave lisa alone in the room....

Hello guys it's a new chapter how's it..ok then bye ...💜💜💜...


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