⭐️Chapter 25: Onii-Chan VS Onii-Chan💧

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(Art made by the lovely Kookie/LittleSugaMuffin Thank you <3)

You found yourself sitting in the arena, though you and Killua weren't as lucky with the seating as you were quite far back, and you couldn't see from over everyone's heads, so it would be hard to see the front and what was happening as the match started.

Killua sat next to an empty seat which was for Y/n to sit at. Though she wasn't sitting, instead was standing on the seat to see over the people in front of her, though the people behind her weren't happy with her decision.

As fire appeared on stage, the match was starting with the appearance of Gon and Hisoka on the stage, the small girl was jumping on her seat, cheering for her Onii-chan, which Onii-chan? Well no one really knows...

As the match had started, the female watched intensely, watching Hisoka and Gon fight. As people could be heard betting on who was gonna win this fight, Y/n was cheering loudly on for Onii-chan, well both Hisoka and Gon. As the matched played on, she couldn't really hear much except for the cheering and the announcer. She was mostly watching the TV screens that were showing the match.

As the match was ending, with Gon's defeat. Y/n frowned, she knew that one of them was going to loose, but she was still sad that he lost.

As Killua and her left the stadium, this time Killua made sure she didn't speed away from him. Soon going 2 different ways, Y/n decided to go to Hisoka first.

"Hiso-Oniichan!" Y/n yelled over to her older brother as he seemed to be leaving their room. He looked towards the small female who was running towards him. Smiling a bit he bend down to her height as she soon stood in front of the male, smiling happily.

"You won Onii-Chan! Yay!" She giggled happily.

"You're calling me Onii-chan now hm~" She nodded her head and giggled.

"You're my Onii-Chan.." Hisoka's happy face soon turned into a frown at the next thing she said. "...Along with Gon-OniiChan!"

"Well I will be heading off Y/n"

"Oh! Can I say Bai to Gon-OniiChan and Kil-Oniisan first?"

"No My sweet little fox" He patted the female's head. "I'll be heading off, since I have to go take care of some business by myself for a while." A pout appeared on the female's face as she head what her Onii-Chan told her.

"But I wanna come with youuu" She whined slightly as her brother soon patted her head, who knows how long it would be until he pats her head again?!

"You can't Y/n, After I finish up I'll get you okay~" He smiled, trying to cheer up the female. "And if you need me, you can always pull on the bungee gum attached onto you and I'll come to you as fast as I can." He smiled at the female, who was wiping her tears with her hands.

"O-okie Dokie Onii-Chan..."

"That's a good girl" Hisoka kissed her head as he soon was hugged by the female.

"Bai Bai..."

"See you soon Y/n.."


Y/n was soon heading to Gon's room, with Foxy and Mr Oinks with her, a small backpack was on her back, with a panda on it. She opened the door to see Gon and Killua, placing Foxy on the ground, she tackled Gon into a Hug.

"Onii-Chan!!!" She yelled as she tackled the male in a hug, who happily hugged her back.

"lil sis!" Gon smiled as they were hugging, as soon as they stopped hugging she sat beside him on the bed. Noticing the bag on her back he looked at the small girl.

"Are you and Hisoka leaving?" Gon asked, the female shook her head slightly.

"Hiso-OniiChan is leaving, I wanna go with you and Kil-Oniisan." She smiled at the male, who smiled back at her.

"Yay! Lil sis is coming with us!" Gon cheered as he hugged her side, Killua watched them, he watched the two and it reminded him of someone.



As the 3 stood outside, ready to leave. Wing and Zushi were saying goodbye to the trio.

"I have nothing to say to you about your fight with Hisoka." Wing told Gon. "You were the one fighting him, so I'm sure you know the best of all."

"Understand what?" Killua looked at Gon, wanting to know what it was.

"What he learnt from that fight."

"Yes!" Gon replied and smiled happily to his Nen teacher.

"What did you learn?" Killua asked Gon. Who smiled at him and replied

"A secret."

Y/n tilted her head slightly, while Killua was slightly frustrated with that reply.

"Gon-kun... Killua-kun." The 2 male's looked at Wing. "You will need to master your own styles of Nen, as you continue down your chosen paths."

"Yes!" "Yeah..." Y/n was standing in between Gon and Killua, holding Killua's hand, she had Foxy in her other arm and Mr Oinks was next to her.

"Bye!" As the 3 were walking away, Gon was waving frantically at them, while Killua wasn't really waving and just looked back at them and Y/n smiled at them, considering her hands were full.

"Take care, all three of you." Wing told them as they left towards their next destination.

"Zushi! Until we meet again!" Gon yelled out to the male.

"Osu!" Zushi waved to them as they left, after getting out of sight the 3 were planing on what to do next.

"Well you've finally completed your objective, right?" Killua asked Gon as the 3 were walking.

"Uh-huh!" Gon replied to Killua as Gon smiled at his best friend, and 'sister'.

"I don't have any more business here, so we can head off" Killua told them. "What are you going to do, Gon?"

"Go back to Whale Island." Gon said and smiled.

"Whale Island?" Killua questioned Gon, as Y/n was mostly quiet and looked at Gon.

"Uh-huh! I was able to return the favor to Hisoka, so I want to go back home and show Aunt Mito my hunter's Licences. It's been over half a year since I've seen them...."

"I guess I'll come with you both." Killua told them, since Y/n was sticking with Gon while she wasn't with Hisoka, deciding to tag along. "I'd like to meet Mito-san."

"Really!? then lets go together!"

"Yeah I'll just tag along."

"Lets go back to Whale Island."


Sorry for the wait! Soon this arc is over. Also sorry to the people who have sent Art to me and I haven't put it in a chapter yet, I promise I will soon (Pretty sure I have 1-2 I have to still put in) Hope you have had a wonderful day ^-^

(Also I imagine that Killua is slightly jealous on Gon and Y/n's relationship even if they are not actual siblings)

~ Skypie

Onii-Chan! (HXH x Child!reader) [Editing!]Where stories live. Discover now