Chapter 2 - The Clock Starts Ticking

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"You ready?" I ask Jade, as she steps into the aisle behind me, slipping her headphones around her neck.

"Hell yeah." She replies, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Outside, the school is buzzing with energy. Hundreds of students wait at the gates wearing different coloured jerseys to support different states. Our home colours, green and white, dominate the wave of excited teenagers. Being the east coast champions for five years running now, our field hockey legacy doesn't go unnoticed, even on the other side of the country. Other blacked-out buses line the sidewalk, taped off from the student entrance. In front of us, the baby blue jerseys of the North Carolina team file out of their bus, waving at their supporters in the crowd.

"We're next." Quinn, one of our defenders, says from the front of the bus, turning around to give us all a thumbs up. My adrenaline skyrockets, giving me a boost of energy that almost shoots me up from the spot that I stand on. The crowd seems to double in size when coach jumps out of our bus to shake hands with the principal of the school, who stands proudly beside his silver PHOENIX PREPARATORY HIGH SCHOOL plaque to the side of the huge gates.

"Get a move on Quinn." Sara shouts from the back. 

On cue, coach turns around, after shaking the principal's hand, and signals that it is our turn to enter the school. 


 So throwing our stick bags over our  shoulders, we begin to file out of the bus in silence. The teenagers at the gate begin to push up against each other, desperate to see the east coast champions. Different flashes go off beside us but being professional, we don't let them throw us off. Before I've even stepped off of the bus, the intense heat smacks me in the face, confusing me for a moment. It's like being soaked by a wave of fire. I must ignore it. 

My feet make impact with the sidewalk, shortly followed by Jade's, and our supporters go wild, shouting at the pair of us to go over to them. Jade beams brighter than the sun, soaking up the positive energy that radiates from the crowd, and begins to make her way towards the screams of her supporters. I do not, feeling uncomfortable by the sound of my name being screamed by strangers as if they know me.

Breathe Zarah, breathe.

In front of me, I see some of our girls posing for pictures with teenagers in white and green. I spot some of our girls stood quietly a few meters ahead, taking everything in.  

I notice that the principal is trying to hold it together as his students become even more rowdy; the worry that he tries to cover so badly shows through his wrinkles. I also spot the girls in the black buses behind us pressing their faces up against the window to weigh up their competition. Being friendly, I offer them a small wave to calm their nerves, and my own. Most of them wave back with dazzling white smiles, but my nerves continue to eat away at my stomach. 

Being ushered forwards by the wardens, I notice the small gang of boys inside of the school gates that lean lazily against the body of an expensive white Dodge Challenger. I confess that I don't know anything about cars, but I've watched enough movies to know that this car is impressive; which is probably why the group that surround it look as though they own the place. With their striking features, caramel complexions, and intimidating auras, I decide that these guys probably aren't too impressed by the hockey tournament and the havoc that it has created. Their attention isn't even fixed on the teams, they seem to be monitoring the crowds of students instead. 

Then, everything is over almost as soon as it started. We're ushered on as a group, through the front gates and across the front lawn, leaving the crowds of teenagers to cheer for the next team that enter the school. Looking across at Jade, who is still buzzing with the excitement of the crowd, I can't help but sigh, and question why I am here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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