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The next morning, after tossing and turning all night, I decided to skip college for the day and instead spent the day rearranging the house. I first started in my room, organizing my shoes and color coordinating my closet before moving to my father's home office, rearranging the books in the shelves and the papers on his desk. I was bored and needed something, anything to keep my mind off those brown eyes and that 1000-watt smile the kept creeping up in the corners of my mind. Something about Ali that irked me and enthralled me all at once and that was the most dangerous thing ever. I'd never felt this way for a boy before. Hell, I didn't even believe in silly things like love and longing for another human being, so what was it about him that I couldn't shake?

I moved to the living room next, organizing our dvd collection in the TV cabinet when my mother entered, wearing a thick coat and scarf around her neck.

"Eman, you've been stuck in the house all day beti, do you want to go shopping with me?" My mother, bless her heart, stood at a petit 5'4 and absolutely hated going anywhere on her own.

I shook my head, "No Amma, I'm not really in the mood to go anywhere."

"Okay, I'll take Areesha then. Keep an eye on Nano while I'm away okay."

"Of course, Amma, don't worry at all. You guys have a good time."

When the two were out the door and I had returned to alphabetising the DVD collection we hardly watched anymore thanks to Netflix, the doorbell rung. I swung the door open, half expecting it to be my mother having forgotten something at home but instead it was the very person who had been invading my thoughts since yesterday. This was beginning to get ridiculous now.

He stood before me in a crisp white button down tucked into his fitted jeans, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He always looked professionally styled which was so obnoxious.

I on the other hand, looked the exact opposite. I was in a University of Delaware sweatshirt and old Mickey Mouse pajama pants. My face bare and my hair in a messy ponytail.

I could tell from the way he was looking at me he wanted to make some jibe about my appearance but refrained from doing so when I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, annoyance clearly visible on my face.

"You didn't come to class today so I thought I'd bring you today's assignment," he replied, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handing it to me.

"You didn't need to do that. I can keep up with my coursework on my own," I snapped, snatching the paper from his fingers anyways.

He ignored my obvious vexation, "Why weren't you in class though? Are you feeling alright?"

His questions regarding my wellbeing caught me off guard in the best and worst way. Something about the fact that he was worried about me made my heart flutter and made me feel nauseous all at the same time.

But I would never let him know that. "I'm fine Ali, not that its any of your concern so don't come by my house like this again okay."

I was about to close the door in his face but he reached up to stop me.

"Wait Eman," he began, "I want to apologize for my behavior last night. It was inappropriate and I want you to know I'm not that kind of guy."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "How many girls has that speech really worked on?" I could see right through him, he was exactly that kind of guy.

He grinned, "Surprisingly a-lot actually, but I have a feeling you are not like the other girls I know. And I really do want to pursue a friendship with you."

The scowl on my face only deepened. "Look, I'm not interested in friendship right now, or any relationship for that matter."

"And why is that?" He asked, all too quickly.

"Because, boy-girl friendships never work and I think you know why."

He threw his head back a laughed deeply, a sound that my ears accepted graciously. "Do you think I'm going to fall in love with you or something Eman?"

I didn't reply, instead I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed again. "Don't you think you're being a tad bit conceded?"

"You say that now but in a few months your going to be obsessed with me and expect that we be together forever." If anything, i was just being realistic.

"Acha, just give me a chance. If I fall in love with you as you claim, I'll end our friendship on my own and you will never have to see me again. Deal?"

Once again I noticed how beautiful our native language sounded on his tongue.

I stood there for a few moments, contemplating the prospect of a friendship with this boy that I had merely met yesterday. There really was no harm that could come from it. I had my rules and my limits and I trusted myself enough to follow them plus the idea of not seeing him ever again was enticing so reached out and shook his hand. "Deal."

He took a step back. "I was about to go grab some coffee, do you want to join me? It can be our first official outing as friends." He had that stupidly sweet smile on his face again and I almost wanted to say yes.

"I cant, I'm home with my Nano and I can't leave her all alone."

"I understand," he nodded, "Give your grandmother my Salam."

My heart shook.

"Okay, I will."

He turned to leave, but not before saying, "Nice outfit by the way."

And then he was getting into his car and driving away while I stood there dumbfounded at what I had just gotten myself into.



Beti: Daughter

Acha: Okay

Nano: Maternal Grandmother

Salam: Islamic Greeting

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