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I tried to hide my excitement when I saw Halfblood Hill. We reached the hill and I looked down. It was bigger. There more cabins and not only were there demigods with orange shirts on, but also purple. Camp Jupiter.

We went down the hill and I tried to act as formal as I could.

But when I saw a familiar mop of black hair and blonde curls, I sprinted forward. I almost bowled them over.

"Oh my gods guys! I missed you so much!"

Annabeth hugged me again but almost squeezed the air out of me.

"Cant. Breathe."

I said. She let go and grinned. By now they were 20 and they looked alot older.

Percy was about to say something when someone yelled,


I spun around, only to be knocked over by a certain blonde haired superman.

"Jason!" I cried and hugged him once we had got up.

And then for the next ten minutes, I hugged everyone. I dont think i've ever hugged as much as I did just then.

I was introduced to Calypso, who Leo had apparently rescued after the war. I looked around with a huge grin on my face. Then something in the shadows caught my eye.

When I looked closer, I realised it was an older looking boy, and-wow, hes handsome.

I tried figuring out who it could be. Then it hit me.

No, it couldnt be. Could it?

It was Nico Di Angelo.



I watched from the shadow of a tree at the edge of everyone else. I stayed there for a while, until I realised that someone was walking towards me. No. No way.

It was Thalia Grace. Wow, she looked beautiful. She still had her spiky black hair and peircing electric blue eyes.

I shook my head. What in hades Nico?!

She approached me and said, "Nico?"

I shifted a bit uncomfortably and replied, "Thalia?"

She grinned and said, "Do I get a hug?"

I looked at her for a second and nodded.

She hugged me and I felt sparks fly. I have never felt this way before. What was it? She pulled back after a bit and looked at me. All of a sudden, she blurted out, "You're good looking."

What?! She straight away clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my gods. It just came out."

I laughed. "Its okay thalia. Youre not to bad yourself."

But I wasnt lying. She was beautiful.

I wasnt quite sure, but I think I saw her blush. Nah, I'm just imagining it.

"Thalia!" Artemis called to her.

"Well, uh, see you around."

Then she walked off. I sat down.

What were the sparks?

So, how was it? I hope I'm doing well because I've been working very hard on these chapters. Not much has been happening in these chapters, but in the next one there is a bit of Thalico fluff! Thanks for reading!

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