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I watched the screen intently as Joshua and his agents began their meeting.

"So." Joshua said. "Here begins our meeting on our current plans so far. We shall begin will standard protocol. Carl, please conduct the bug sweep."

I let in a sharp intake of breath. Bug sweep? Who every told me there was a bug sweep?

Erica seemed to realize what we were thinking, and she placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know the SPYDER bug sweep protocol, thats why I placed the bug in a specific location so it won't detect ours."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"No bug detected, sir." said the bodyguard who must've been called Carl.

"Alright." said Joshua. "We have matters to discuss. So please listen carefully."

"Why does Joshua have to be so formal. 'Matters to discuss,' like, who uses that?" Mike muttered.

"First off, there seems to be a certain.. ah.. nuisance, located at 39.056220, -45.804021." he said the numbers slowly, as if waiting for someone to type in the coordinates.

And Zoe hammered in the numbers on a map, we watched intently, waiting for the location to pop up. However, since I had memorized the longitude and latitude of all the cities in the world, I noticed that this location was far from any city in the world.

Zoe said, "It's in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! How is that a 'nuisance'?", which confirmed my suspicions.


Meanwhile, as the 2 APEX agents listened and watched, they gasped at the sound of the coordinates.

"Headquarters." they said at once. But how did SPYDER know? It was one of the closest guarded secrets in the world! There was only one way he could've found out. An APEX agent had told him, and that, raised a lot of questions.


"Anyways, moving on. We have a BUG problem over here." Joshua said, as a projectile slammed into the camera, rendering it useless.

I sighed. SPYDER was always 2 steps ahead of us, and no matter what we did, Joshua was always on our trail.


Sorry this chapter was shorter. I didn't have a lot of time, so -_- umm... anyways, hope you enjoy nevertheless (shoot, I'm starting to sound formal)

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